The nitrogen-vacancy colour centre in diamond
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colour centre in diamond is an important physical system for
emergent quantum technologies, including quantum metrology, information processing and …
emergent quantum technologies, including quantum metrology, information processing and …
Hybrid discrete-and continuous-variable quantum information
Research in quantum information processing has followed two different directions: the use of
discrete variables (qubits) and that of high-dimensional, continuous-variable Gaussian …
discrete variables (qubits) and that of high-dimensional, continuous-variable Gaussian …
Enhanced tripartite interactions in spin-magnon-mechanical hybrid systems
Coherent tripartite interactions among degrees of freedom of completely different nature are
instrumental for quantum information and simulation technologies, but they are generally …
instrumental for quantum information and simulation technologies, but they are generally …
Optical tweezers—from calibration to applications: a tutorial
Since their invention in 1986 by Arthur Ashkin and colleagues, optical tweezers have
become an essential tool in several fields of physics, spectroscopy, biology …
become an essential tool in several fields of physics, spectroscopy, biology …
Nanoscale magnetic sensing with an individual electronic spin in diamond
Detection of weak magnetic fields with nanoscale spatial resolution is an outstanding
problem in the biological and physical sciences,,,,. For example, at a distance of 10 nm, the …
problem in the biological and physical sciences,,,,. For example, at a distance of 10 nm, the …
Clock transition by continuous dynamical decoupling of a three-level system
We present a novel continuous dynamical decoupling scheme for the construction of a
robust qubit in a three-level system. By means of a clock transition adjustment, we first show …
robust qubit in a three-level system. By means of a clock transition adjustment, we first show …
Dynamic strain-mediated coupling of a single diamond spin to a mechanical resonator
The development of hybrid quantum systems is central to the advancement of emerging
quantum technologies, including quantum information science and quantum-assisted …
quantum technologies, including quantum information science and quantum-assisted …
Strong long-range spin-spin coupling via a Kerr magnon interface
Strong long-range coupling between distant spins is crucial for spin-based quantum
information processing. However, achieving such a strong spin-spin coupling remains …
information processing. However, achieving such a strong spin-spin coupling remains …
Observation of strong coupling between a micromechanical resonator and an optical cavity field
Achieving coherent quantum control over massive mechanical resonators is a current
research goal. Nano-and micromechanical devices can be coupled to a variety of systems …
research goal. Nano-and micromechanical devices can be coupled to a variety of systems …
Strain coupling of a nitrogen-vacancy center spin to a diamond mechanical oscillator
We report on single electronic spins coupled to the motion of mechanical resonators by a
novel mechanism based on crystal strain. Our device consists of single-crystal diamond …
novel mechanism based on crystal strain. Our device consists of single-crystal diamond …