Security and privacy challenges in mobile cloud computing: Survey and way ahead
The rapid growth of mobile computing is seriously challenged by the resource constrained
mobile devices. However, the growth of mobile computing can be enhanced by integrating …
mobile devices. However, the growth of mobile computing can be enhanced by integrating …
Attribute-based encryption for cloud computing access control: A survey
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) for cloud computing access control is reviewed in this
article. A taxonomy and comprehensive assessment criteria of ABE are first proposed. In the …
article. A taxonomy and comprehensive assessment criteria of ABE are first proposed. In the …
Data security and privacy-preserving in edge computing paradigm: Survey and open issues
With the explosive growth of Internet of Things devices and massive data produced at the
edge of the network, the traditional centralized cloud computing model has come to a …
edge of the network, the traditional centralized cloud computing model has come to a …
Phoabe: Securely outsourcing multi-authority attribute based encryption with policy hidden for cloud assisted iot
Attribute based encryption (ABE) is an encrypted access control mechanism that ensures
efficient data sharing among dynamic group of users. Nevertheless, this encryption …
efficient data sharing among dynamic group of users. Nevertheless, this encryption …
An efficient access control scheme with outsourcing capability and attribute update for fog computing
Fog computing as an extension of cloud computing provides computation, storage and
application services to end users. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a …
application services to end users. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a …
CCA-secure ABE with outsourced decryption for fog computing
Fog computing is not a replacement but an extension of cloud computing for the prevalence
of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In particular, fog computing inserts a middle layer …
of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In particular, fog computing inserts a middle layer …
Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption against key-delegation abuse in fog computing
Abstract In Fog Computing, fragile connection between Fog and Cloud causes problems of
the authentication and authorization. Recently, Stojmenovic, Wen, Huang and Luan …
the authentication and authorization. Recently, Stojmenovic, Wen, Huang and Luan …
Verifiable searchable encryption with aggregate keys for data sharing system
In a secure data sharing system, the keyword search over encrypted files is a basic need of
a user with appropriate privileges. Although the traditional searchable encryption technique …
a user with appropriate privileges. Although the traditional searchable encryption technique …
A novel efficient pairing-free CP-ABE based on elliptic curve cryptography for IoT
S Ding, C Li, H Li - IEEE Access, 2018 -
Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic
technique that integrates data encryption with access control for ensuring data security in IoT …
technique that integrates data encryption with access control for ensuring data security in IoT …
Expressive CP-ABE scheme for mobile devices in IoT satisfying constant-size keys and ciphertexts
Designing lightweight security protocols for cloud-based Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications
for battery-limited mobile devices, such as smart phones and laptops, is a topic of recent …
for battery-limited mobile devices, such as smart phones and laptops, is a topic of recent …