A novel vegetarian food based on Balinese traditional foods: Variety, processing, and nutrition
Changing diet preference to vegetarian is certainly not easy. Most people are very
dependent on the delicious taste of meat, so it is very difficult to switch to plant-based foods …
dependent on the delicious taste of meat, so it is very difficult to switch to plant-based foods …
Pengembangan video profil dwibahasa untuk promosi wisata daerah di Kabupaten Landak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan pembuatan video profil pariwisata
daerah. Memanfaatkan ide-ide dasar dari Model Teks Mentor, Mentor Video berfungsi …
daerah. Memanfaatkan ide-ide dasar dari Model Teks Mentor, Mentor Video berfungsi …