A novel vegetarian food based on Balinese traditional foods: Variety, processing, and nutrition

NPE Trisdayanti, AAGPKP Dalem… - Canrea Journal: Food …, 2022 - agritech.unhas.ac.id
Changing diet preference to vegetarian is certainly not easy. Most people are very
dependent on the delicious taste of meat, so it is very difficult to switch to plant-based foods …

Pengembangan video profil dwibahasa untuk promosi wisata daerah di Kabupaten Landak

ASSN Agung, E Siboro, E Jumarliati… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2023 - journal.upgripnk.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan pembuatan video profil pariwisata
daerah. Memanfaatkan ide-ide dasar dari Model Teks Mentor, Mentor Video berfungsi …