Certainty in holistic thinking and responses to contradiction: Dialectical proverbs, counter‐attitudinal change and ambivalence
The present research examined whether consideration of individuals' certainty in their
holism can enhance the ability of this individual difference to predict how they respond to …
holism can enhance the ability of this individual difference to predict how they respond to …
Fundamental processes of positive change
Many strategies designed to facilitate the generation of positive thoughts (focusing on
strengths, imagining the best possible self, reflecting on achievements) are effective in …
strengths, imagining the best possible self, reflecting on achievements) are effective in …
[HTML][HTML] The interplay between self-talk and body posture on physical performance: Analyzing a moderated serial multiple mediation model
Prior research has shown that non-verbal behavior (eg, overt head movements) can
moderate the effects of positive and negative self-talk on physical performance. In the …
moderate the effects of positive and negative self-talk on physical performance. In the …
The effects of positive versus negative self-talk on vertical jump in soccer players: The moderating role of need for cognition
The current study analyzed the effects of positive versus negative self-talk on physical
performance in soccer players from a multiprocess approach. We operationalized the …
performance in soccer players from a multiprocess approach. We operationalized the …
The importance of emotional, spiritual intelligence, and self efficacy on the Principal's performance in sekolah penggerak program based on merdeka curriculum
This study aims to analyze the importance of emotional, spiritual intelligence, and Self
Efficacy on the performance of school principals in Sekolah Penggerak that use the Merdeka …
Efficacy on the performance of school principals in Sekolah Penggerak that use the Merdeka …
The effects of perceived COVID‐19 threat on compensatory conviction, thought reliance, and attitudes
This research examines how people can defend themselves from the threat associated with
the COVID‐19 pandemic by relying more on their recently generated thoughts (unrelated to …
the COVID‐19 pandemic by relying more on their recently generated thoughts (unrelated to …
The relationship between general self‐efficacy and nursing practice competence for second‐year nurses: Empirical quantitative research
R Tomita - Nursing Open, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To examine the relationship between general self‐efficacy and nursing practice
competence for nurses in the second year of employment. Design A cross‐sectional design …
competence for nurses in the second year of employment. Design A cross‐sectional design …
[HTML][HTML] Strengthening the link between vaccine predispositions and vaccine advocacy through certainty
Background. Instruments designed to assess individual differences in predispositions
towards vaccination are useful in predicting vaccination-related outcomes. Despite their …
towards vaccination are useful in predicting vaccination-related outcomes. Despite their …
[HTML][HTML] Certainty improves the predictive validity of Honesty-Humility and Dark Triad traits on cheating behavior
This research examined the extent to which certainty can strengthen the relationship
between individual differences and cheating behavior. In the first two studies, participants …
between individual differences and cheating behavior. In the first two studies, participants …
The pathway of social support in enhancing adolescents' physical fitness: The mediating roles of physical activity and self-efficacy
Z Xu, J Xu, T Liu, Z Gu, D Hu - Plos one, 2024 - journals.plos.org
Purpose Utilising Welk's Youth Physical Activity Promotion (YPAP) model as a foundational
framework, this study investigates the intricate interplay of social support, physical activity …
framework, this study investigates the intricate interplay of social support, physical activity …