[HTML][HTML] Metabolomics for the masses: The future of metabolomics in a personalized world
Current clinical practices focus on a small number of biochemical directly related to the
pathophysiology with patients and thus only describe a very limited metabolome of a patient …
pathophysiology with patients and thus only describe a very limited metabolome of a patient …
A comprehensive study of mobile-health based assistive technology for the healthcare of dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD)
Assistive technology (AT) involvement in therapeutic treatment has provided simple and
efficient healthcare solutions to people. Within a short span of time, mobile health (mHealth) …
efficient healthcare solutions to people. Within a short span of time, mobile health (mHealth) …
Cyber-physical systems as an enabler of circular economy to achieve sustainable development goals: A comprehensive review
Industrialization has brought wealth, prosperity, and abundance to many nations. However,
it has had many drawbacks on people's health and the environment. Several paradigms …
it has had many drawbacks on people's health and the environment. Several paradigms …
A survey of smartwatches in remote health monitoring
This systematic review classifies smartwatch-based healthcare applications in the literature
according to their application and summarizes what has led to feasible systems. To this end …
according to their application and summarizes what has led to feasible systems. To this end …
[HTML][HTML] Factors influencing the adoption of smart health technologies for people with dementia and their informal caregivers: sco** review and design framework
Background: Smart Health technologies (s-Health technologies) are being developed to
support people with dementia (PwD) and their informal caregivers at home, to improve care …
support people with dementia (PwD) and their informal caregivers at home, to improve care …
A comparative study of autoencoder architectures for mental health analysis using wearable sensors data
In this study, the application of deep learning models for the detection of relapses in patients
with psychotic disorders (ie, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia) is examined, using …
with psychotic disorders (ie, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia) is examined, using …
Wearable technology for detecting significant moments in individuals with dementia
The detection of significant moments can support the care of individuals with dementia by
making visible what is most meaningful to them and maintaining a sense of interpersonal …
making visible what is most meaningful to them and maintaining a sense of interpersonal …
Intelligent assistive technology devices for persons with dementia: a sco** review
Assistive technology (AT) with context-aware computing and artificial intelligence
capabilities can be applied to address cognitive and communication impairments …
capabilities can be applied to address cognitive and communication impairments …
[HTML][HTML] E-prevention: Advanced support system for monitoring and relapse prevention in patients with psychotic disorders analyzing long-term multimodal data from …
Wearable technologies and digital phenoty** foster unique opportunities for designing
novel intelligent electronic services that can address various well-being issues in patients …
novel intelligent electronic services that can address various well-being issues in patients …
Wearables for learning: examining the smartwatch as a tool for situated science reflection
Relatively little research exists on the use of smartwatches to support learning. This paper
presents an approach for commodity smartwatches as a tool for situated reflection in …
presents an approach for commodity smartwatches as a tool for situated reflection in …