[HTML][HTML] Post-truth: Hegemony on social media and implications for sustainability communication
C Jaques, M Islar, G Lord - Sustainability, 2019 - mdpi.com
Contrary to what practice suggests, social media platforms may not be an appropriate forum
for communicating with civil society about sustainability issues such as climate change …
for communicating with civil society about sustainability issues such as climate change …
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Pemilu Di Tengah Era Post Truth: Antara Efisiensi dan Kepercayaan
M Mahpudin - Jurnal PolGov, 2019 - journal.ugm.ac.id
Teknologi pemilu merupakan sebuah keniscayaan di era digital. Berbagai kemudahan yang
ditawarkan oleh teknologi telah mendorong banyak negara memanfaatkan teknologi untuk …
ditawarkan oleh teknologi telah mendorong banyak negara memanfaatkan teknologi untuk …
Navigating the Intersection of Post-Truth and Sustainability in Journalism: Challenges Facing Sustainable Journalism in Northern Cyprus Media
This study explores the challenges facing sustainable journalism practices in the post-truth
era through interviews conducted with journalists in Northern Cyprus. Based on the …
era through interviews conducted with journalists in Northern Cyprus. Based on the …
[PDF][PDF] Post-Christian presupposition in post-truth
E Tari, RH Rouw, H Wijaya - International Journal of Indonesian …, 2021 - researchgate.net
This paper attempts to describe the challenges and opportunities of social media in post-
truth. The author will discuss this in this paper that is first the process of presuppositions …
truth. The author will discuss this in this paper that is first the process of presuppositions …
[PDF][PDF] Is the philosophy of science a science? From a view of the Ukrainian philosopher of science
V Kuznetsov - Philosophical Dialogs, 2018 - academia.edu
The philosophy of science is understood as a metascience about science. Its domain
includes systems of scientific knowledge as rational means of generating new knowledge …
includes systems of scientific knowledge as rational means of generating new knowledge …
Analisis Resepsi Followers Akun Instagram@ MenjadiManusia Dalam Kesehatan Mental
DAS Putri - Jurnal Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2025 - jurnal.umsu.ac.id
Media merupakan sarana yang memfasilitasi berbagai narasi, yang dapat mempengaruhi
persepsi dan respon audiens secara beragam. Dalam era media sosial, audiens memiliki …
persepsi dan respon audiens secara beragam. Dalam era media sosial, audiens memiliki …
Covid-19 Information on Instagram: Reception Analysis towards Indonesian Youth Audiences
MPF Purwaningtyas, LD Widihastuty - Tuturlogi: Journal of …, 2022 - tuturlogi.ub.ac.id
Instagram social media platform has become the source of recent information on various
fields for the youth audiences, including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that Indonesia and …
fields for the youth audiences, including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that Indonesia and …
[PDF][PDF] Popularization of Science in the Russian Mass Media: Challenges of Multimedia Formats
RP Bakanov, L Egorova, V Mayorov… - Journal of History …, 2018 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This article reveals the problems that are typical for the current state of popularization of
scientific knowledge and scientific achievements in the Russian mass media. In terms of …
scientific knowledge and scientific achievements in the Russian mass media. In terms of …
The Human Genome Project: Communication, Impact, and Bioethics in Portugal
DSCR Dias - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Abstract O Projecto do Genoma Humano (PGH) seguiu as pegadas de outros grandes
projectos científicos que mudaram a ciência do século XX. Foram necessários doze anos …
projectos científicos que mudaram a ciência do século XX. Foram necessários doze anos …
Kriza znanstvene zajednice iz perspektive postmodernog čovjeka
A Tipura - 2023 - zir.nsk.hr
Sažetak U ovom radu nastoji se odgovoriti na pitanje zašto u suvremenom društvu dolazi do
odbacivanja znanosti kao referentnog okvira za objašnjenje svijeta. Kako bi se odgovorilo …
odbacivanja znanosti kao referentnog okvira za objašnjenje svijeta. Kako bi se odgovorilo …