The deep human prehistory of global tropical forests and its relevance for modern conservation

P Roberts, C Hunt, M Arroyo-Kalin, D Evans, N Boivin - Nature plants, 2017 -
Significant human impacts on tropical forests have been considered the preserve of recent
societies, linked to large-scale deforestation, extensive and intensive agriculture, resource …

Tales of human migration, admixture, and selection in Africa

CM Schlebusch, M Jakobsson - Annual Review of Genomics …, 2018 -
In the last three decades, genetic studies have played an increasingly important role in
exploring human history. They have helped to conclusively establish that anatomically …

Ancient West African foragers in the context of African population history

M Lipson, I Ribot, S Mallick, N Rohland, I Olalde… - Nature, 2020 -
Our knowledge of ancient human population structure in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly
prior to the advent of food production, remains limited. Here we report genome-wide DNA …

[KNJIGA][B] African civilizations: An archaeological perspective

G Connah - 2016 -
This new revised edition of African Civilizations re-examines the physical evidence for
develo** social complexity in Africa over the last six thousand years. Unlike the two …

The domestication syndrome in vegetatively propagated field crops

T Denham, H Barton, C Castillo, A Crowther… - Annals of …, 2020 -
Background Vegetatively propagated crops are globally significant in terms of current
agricultural production, as well as for understanding the long-term history of early agriculture …

Genomic perspectives on human dispersals during the Holocene

M Stoneking, L Arias, D Liu, S Oliveira, I Pugach… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 -
Nearly 20 y ago, Jared Diamond and Peter Bellwood reviewed the evidence for the
associated spread of farming and large language families by the demographic expansions …

Genetic substructure and complex demographic history of South African Bantu speakers

D Sengupta, A Choudhury, C Fortes-Lima… - Nature …, 2021 -
Abstract South Eastern Bantu-speaking (SEB) groups constitute more than 80% of the
population in South Africa. Despite clear linguistic and geographic diversity, the genetic …

Transition From Wild to Domesticated Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) Revealed in Ceramic Temper at Three Middle Holocene Sites in Northern Mali

DQ Fuller, A Barron, L Champion, C Dupuy… - African Archaeological …, 2021 - Springer
Imprints of domesticated pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) spikelets, observed as
temper in ceramics dating to the third millennium BC, provide the earliest evidence for the …

'Multi-crop**', intercrop** and adaptation to variable environments in Indus South Asia

CA Petrie, J Bates - Journal of World Prehistory, 2017 - Springer
Past human populations are known to have managed crops in a range of ways. Various
methods can be used, singly or in conjunction, to reconstruct these strategies, a process …

[KNJIGA][B] Ancient African Christianity: An introduction to a unique context and tradition

DE Wilhite - 2017 -
Christianity spread across North Africa early, and it remained there as a powerful force much
longer than anticipated. While this African form of Christianity largely shared the Latin …