The evolution of Earth's biogeochemical nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for all life on Earth and it acts as a major control on
biological productivity in the modern ocean. Accurate reconstructions of the evolution of life …
biological productivity in the modern ocean. Accurate reconstructions of the evolution of life …
Geochemistry of oceanic anoxic events
HC Jenkyns - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) record profound changes in the climatic and
paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global …
paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global …
Mid-latitudinal habitable environment for marine eukaryotes during the waning stage of the Marinoan snowball glaciation
Abstract During the Marinoan Ice Age (ca. 654–635 Ma), one of the 'Snowball Earth'events
in the Cryogenian Period, continental icesheets reached the tropical oceans. Oceanic …
in the Cryogenian Period, continental icesheets reached the tropical oceans. Oceanic …
Oceanic euxinia in Earth history: causes and consequences
Euxinic ocean conditions accompanied significant events in Earth history, including several
Phanerozoic biotic crises. By critically examining modern and ancient euxinic environments …
Phanerozoic biotic crises. By critically examining modern and ancient euxinic environments …
A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments
Nitrogen isotopes are an important tool for evaluating past biogeochemical cycling from the
paleoceanographic record. However, bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope ratios, which can be …
paleoceanographic record. However, bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope ratios, which can be …
Biogeochemical evidence for euxinic oceans and ecological disturbance presaging the end-Permian mass extinction event
The Permian–Triassic Boundary event at 252.2 Ma marks the largest extinction of marine
fauna in the Phanerozoic and there is a wide consensus that the extinction coincided with an …
fauna in the Phanerozoic and there is a wide consensus that the extinction coincided with an …
Environmental changes in the Late Ordovician–early Silurian: review and new insights from black shales and nitrogen isotopes
Abstract The Late Ordovician (Katian-Hirnantian) through earliest Silurian (Rhuddanian)
interval was a time of varying climate and sea level, marked by a peak glacial episode in the …
interval was a time of varying climate and sea level, marked by a peak glacial episode in the …
Nutrients as the dominant control on the spread of anoxia and euxinia across the Cenomanian‐Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2): Model‐data comparison
The Cenomanian‐Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) is characterized by large
perturbations in the oxygen and sulfur cycles of the ocean, potentially resulting from …
perturbations in the oxygen and sulfur cycles of the ocean, potentially resulting from …
Interpretation of the nitrogen isotopic composition of Precambrian sedimentary rocks: Assumptions and perspectives
Nitrogen isotope compositions in sedimentary rocks (d 15 N sed) are routinely used for
reconstructing Cenozoic N-biogeochemical cycling and are also being increasingly applied …
reconstructing Cenozoic N-biogeochemical cycling and are also being increasingly applied …
Nitrogen isotope fractionation by alternative nitrogenases and past ocean anoxia
Biological nitrogen fixation constitutes the main input of fixed nitrogen to Earth's ecosystems,
and its isotope effect is a key parameter in isotope-based interpretations of the N cycle. The …
and its isotope effect is a key parameter in isotope-based interpretations of the N cycle. The …