Investigation of airflow at different activity conditions in a realistic model of human upper respiratory tract
In the present study, the turbulent flows inside a realistic model of the upper respiratory tract
were investigated numerically and experimentally. The airway model included the …
were investigated numerically and experimentally. The airway model included the …
Comparative modelling of inspiratory airflow and micron particle deposition patterns in monkey and human nasal airways
Laboratory animals have historically performed a vital function in evaluating health effects of
human exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM). Due to the complexity of particle-laden …
human exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM). Due to the complexity of particle-laden …
CFD analysis of the flow structure in a monkey upper airway validated by PIV experiments
Inhalation exposure to airborne contaminants has adverse effects on humans; however,
related research is typically conducted using in vivo/in vitro tests on animals. Extrapolating …
related research is typically conducted using in vivo/in vitro tests on animals. Extrapolating …
[HTML][HTML] Inhalation airflow and ventilation efficiency in subject-specific human upper airways
The present numerical study investigated the transportation time of the inhaled chemicals in
three realistic human airway models by adopting a methodology from the field of the building …
three realistic human airway models by adopting a methodology from the field of the building …
Numerical modeling of nanoparticle deposition in realistic monkey airway and human airway models: a comparative study
Background One of the most promising approaches to understand inhalation toxicology and
to assess the potential risks of inhaled particles is to examine the disposition of the …
to assess the potential risks of inhaled particles is to examine the disposition of the …
Transition and Laminar flows in a realistic geometry of human upper airway
In this study, a realistic respiratory airway model extending from oral to the end of the
trachea including all the key details of the passage was produced. A series of CT scan …
trachea including all the key details of the passage was produced. A series of CT scan …
[PDF][PDF] Bio-fluid engineering study in human and mammal respiratory system
DK Nguyen - 2021 - catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp
The respiratory system is an air-conditioning system for humans and mammals, in which the
ambient air is inhaled, filtered, and conditioned to achieve an appropriate status before …
ambient air is inhaled, filtered, and conditioned to achieve an appropriate status before …