Data-driven chance constrained stochastic program

R Jiang, Y Guan - Mathematical Programming, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, we study data-driven chance constrained stochastic programs, or more
specifically, stochastic programs with distributionally robust chance constraints (DCCs) in a …

[КНИГА][B] Grammatical inference: learning automata and grammars

C De la Higuera - 2010 -
The problem of inducing, learning or inferring grammars has been studied for decades, but
only in recent years has grammatical inference emerged as an independent field with …

[PDF][PDF] 话题检测与跟踪的评测及研究综述

洪宇, 张宇, 刘挺, **生 - 中文信息学报, 2007 -
自从1996 年前瞻性的探索以来, 该领域进行的多次大规模评测为信息识别 …

A bibliographical study of grammatical inference

C De La Higuera - Pattern recognition, 2005 - Elsevier
The field of grammatical inference (also known as grammar induction) is transversal to a
number of research areas including machine learning, formal language theory, syntactic and …

Links between probabilistic automata and hidden Markov models: probability distributions, learning models and induction algorithms

P Dupont, F Denis, Y Esposito - Pattern recognition, 2005 - Elsevier
This article presents an overview of Probabilistic Automata (PA) and discrete Hidden Markov
Models (HMMs), and aims at clarifying the links between them. The first part of this work …

Wrapper maintenance: A machine learning approach

K Lerman, SN Minton, CA Knoblock - Journal of Artificial Intelligence …, 2003 -
The proliferation of online information sources has led to an increased use of wrappers for
extracting data from Web sources. While most of the previous research has focused on quick …

Learning deterministic weighted automata with queries and counterexamples

G Weiss, Y Goldberg, E Yahav - Advances in Neural …, 2019 -
We present an algorithm for reconstruction of a probabilistic deterministic finite automaton
(PDFA) from a given black-box language model, such as a recurrent neural network (RNN) …

Probabilistic finite-state machines-part II

E Vidal, F Thollard, C De La Higuera… - IEEE transactions on …, 2005 -
Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition
or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In part I of this paper, we surveyed these …

Learning behavior models for hybrid timed systems

O Niggemann, B Stein, A Vodencarevic… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
A tailored model of a system is the prerequisite for various analysis tasks, such as anomaly
detection, fault identification, or quality assurance. This paper deals with the algorithmic …

[КНИГА][B] Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd. 2

B Vogel-Heuser, T Bauernhansl, M Ten Hompel - 2017 - Springer
Vogel-Heuser) erschienen ist, wurde ein wichtiger Schritt unternommen, das Thema
Industrie 4.0 in der Fachliteratur zu verankern. Doch bereits damals war uns als …