Data-driven chance constrained stochastic program
In this paper, we study data-driven chance constrained stochastic programs, or more
specifically, stochastic programs with distributionally robust chance constraints (DCCs) in a …
specifically, stochastic programs with distributionally robust chance constraints (DCCs) in a …
[КНИГА][B] Grammatical inference: learning automata and grammars
C De la Higuera - 2010 - books.google.com
The problem of inducing, learning or inferring grammars has been studied for decades, but
only in recent years has grammatical inference emerged as an independent field with …
only in recent years has grammatical inference emerged as an independent field with …
[PDF][PDF] 话题检测与跟踪的评测及研究综述
洪宇, 张宇, 刘挺, **生 - 中文信息学报, 2007 - jcip.cipsc.org.cn
自从1996 年前瞻性的探索以来, 该领域进行的多次大规模评测为信息识别 …
自从1996 年前瞻性的探索以来, 该领域进行的多次大规模评测为信息识别 …
A bibliographical study of grammatical inference
C De La Higuera - Pattern recognition, 2005 - Elsevier
The field of grammatical inference (also known as grammar induction) is transversal to a
number of research areas including machine learning, formal language theory, syntactic and …
number of research areas including machine learning, formal language theory, syntactic and …
Links between probabilistic automata and hidden Markov models: probability distributions, learning models and induction algorithms
This article presents an overview of Probabilistic Automata (PA) and discrete Hidden Markov
Models (HMMs), and aims at clarifying the links between them. The first part of this work …
Models (HMMs), and aims at clarifying the links between them. The first part of this work …
Wrapper maintenance: A machine learning approach
The proliferation of online information sources has led to an increased use of wrappers for
extracting data from Web sources. While most of the previous research has focused on quick …
extracting data from Web sources. While most of the previous research has focused on quick …
Learning deterministic weighted automata with queries and counterexamples
We present an algorithm for reconstruction of a probabilistic deterministic finite automaton
(PDFA) from a given black-box language model, such as a recurrent neural network (RNN) …
(PDFA) from a given black-box language model, such as a recurrent neural network (RNN) …
Probabilistic finite-state machines-part II
Probabilistic finite-state machines are used today in a variety of areas in pattern recognition
or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In part I of this paper, we surveyed these …
or in fields to which pattern recognition is linked. In part I of this paper, we surveyed these …
Learning behavior models for hybrid timed systems
A tailored model of a system is the prerequisite for various analysis tasks, such as anomaly
detection, fault identification, or quality assurance. This paper deals with the algorithmic …
detection, fault identification, or quality assurance. This paper deals with the algorithmic …
[КНИГА][B] Handbuch Industrie 4.0 Bd. 2
B Vogel-Heuser, T Bauernhansl, M Ten Hompel - 2017 - Springer
Vogel-Heuser) erschienen ist, wurde ein wichtiger Schritt unternommen, das Thema
Industrie 4.0 in der Fachliteratur zu verankern. Doch bereits damals war uns als …
Industrie 4.0 in der Fachliteratur zu verankern. Doch bereits damals war uns als …