Spin decoherence of magnetic atoms on surfaces

F Delgado, J Fernández-Rossier - Progress in Surface Science, 2017‏ - Elsevier
We review the problem of spin decoherence of magnetic atoms deposited on a surface.
Recent breakthroughs in scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) make it possible to probe …

Probing magnetic excitations and correlations in single and coupled spin systems with scanning tunneling spectroscopy

M Ternes - Progress in surface science, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Spectroscopic measurements with low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopes have
been used very successfully for studying not only individual atomic or molecular spins on …

Spin excitations and correlations in scanning tunneling spectroscopy

M Ternes - New Journal of Physics, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
In recent years inelastic spin-flip spectroscopy using a low-temperature scanning tunneling
microscope has been a very successful tool for studying not only individual spins but also …

Dissipation-Induced Order: The Quantum Spin Chain Coupled to an Ohmic Bath

M Weber, DJ Luitz, FF Assaad - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
We consider an S= 1/2 antiferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg chain where each site is
coupled to an independent bosonic bath with ohmic dissipation. The coupling to the bath …

Single spin resonance driven by electric modulation of the -factor anisotropy

A Ferrón, SA Rodriguez, SS Gomez, JL Lado… - Physical Review …, 2019‏ - APS
We address the problem of electronic and nuclear spin resonance of an individual atom on a
surface driven by a scanning tunneling microscope. Several mechanisms have been …

Spin dynamics and relaxation in the classical-spin Kondo-impurity model beyond the Landau–Lifschitz–Gilbert equation

M Sayad, M Potthoff - New Journal of Physics, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The real-time dynamics of a classical spin in an external magnetic field and local exchange
coupled to an extended one-dimensional system of non-interacting conduction electrons is …

Nonresonant Electric Quantum Control of Individual On-Surface Spins

SA Rodríguez, SS Gómez, J Fernández-Rossier… - Physical Review Letters, 2025‏ - APS
Quantum control techniques play an important role in manipulating and harnessing the
properties of different quantum systems, including isolated atoms. Here, we propose to …

Optimizing tip-surface interactions in ESR-STM experiments

SA Rodríguez, SS Gómez, J Fernández-Rossier… - Physical Review B, 2023‏ - APS
Electron-spin resonance carried out with scanning tunneling microscopes (ESR-STM) is a
recently developed experimental technique that is attracting enormous interest on account of …

Decoherence-governed magnetic-moment dynamics of supported atomic objects

JP Gauyacq, N Lorente - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Due to the quantum evolution of molecular magnetic moments, the magnetic state of
nanomagnets can suffer spontaneous changes. This process can be completely quenched …

Electronic properties of transition metal atoms on

A Ferrón, JL Lado, J Fernández-Rossier - Physical Review B, 2015‏ - APS
We study the nature of spin excitations of individual transition metal atoms (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, and Ni) deposited on a Cu 2 N/Cu (100) surface using both spin-polarized density …