Universal packet routing algorithms
The packet-routing problem is examined in a network-independent context. The goal is to
devise a strategy for routing that works well for a wide variety of networks. To achieve this …
devise a strategy for routing that works well for a wide variety of networks. To achieve this …
On the definition of service granularity and its architectural impact
Abstract Service granularity generally refers to the size of a service. The fact that services
should be large-sized or coarse-grained is often postulated as a fundamental design …
should be large-sized or coarse-grained is often postulated as a fundamental design …
CHOOSE: Towards a metamodel for enterprise architecture in small and medium-sized enterprises
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a coherent whole of principles, methods, and models that are
used in the design and realization of an enterprise's organizational structure, business …
used in the design and realization of an enterprise's organizational structure, business …
Consistency by construction: the case of MERODE
M Snoeck, C Michiels, G Dedene - … , IWCMQ, AOIS, and XSDM, Chicago, IL …, 2003 - Springer
Modeling languages such as UML offer a set of basic models to describe a software system
from different views and at different levels of abstraction. Tools supporting an unrestricted …
from different views and at different levels of abstraction. Tools supporting an unrestricted …
Architecture based evolution of software systems
LF Andrade, JL Fiadeiro - International School on Formal Methods for the …, 2003 - Springer
Although architectural concepts and techniques have been considered mainly as a means
of controlling the complexity of develo** software, we argue, and demonstrate, that they …
of controlling the complexity of develo** software, we argue, and demonstrate, that they …
Feedback-enabled MDA-prototy** effects on modeling knowledge
This paper describes the effects of a feedback-enabled MDA prototy** tool on the
validation cycle for conceptual models. We observe the effects of such prototy** method …
validation cycle for conceptual models. We observe the effects of such prototy** method …
Towards the Enterprise engineering approach for Information system modelling across organisational and technical boundaries
R Gustas, P Gustiené - Enterprise Information Systems V, 2005 - Springer
Enterprise Engineering proved to be useful when a generally accepted intentional
description of information system is not available. A blueprint of enterprise infrastructure …
description of information system is not available. A blueprint of enterprise infrastructure …
[PDF][PDF] Implementing consistency management techniques for conceptual modeling
R Haesen, M Snoeck - consistency problems in UML-Based …, 2005 - lirias.kuleuven.be
Most software development methodologies justify the use of multiple independent models to
represent all aspects at the different stages in the development process. This can make the …
represent all aspects at the different stages in the development process. This can make the …
Lightweight semantic prototyper for conceptual modeling
While much research work was devoted to conceptual model quality validation techniques,
most of the existing tools in this domain focus on syntactic quality. Tool support for checking …
most of the existing tools in this domain focus on syntactic quality. Tool support for checking …
Events as atomic contracts for component integration
Today many companies rely on third party applications and application services for (part of)
their information systems. When applications from different parties are used together, an …
their information systems. When applications from different parties are used together, an …