Advances in photonic quantum sensing
Quantum sensing has become a broad field. It is generally related with the idea of using
quantum resources to boost the performance of a number of practical tasks, including the …
quantum resources to boost the performance of a number of practical tasks, including the …
The quantum illumination story
JH Shapiro - IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Superposition and entanglement, the quintessential characteristics of quantum physics,
have been shown to provide communication, computation, and sensing capabilities that go …
have been shown to provide communication, computation, and sensing capabilities that go …
Broadband squeezed microwaves and amplification with a Josephson travelling-wave parametric amplifier
Squeezing of the electromagnetic vacuum is an essential metrological technique used to
reduce quantum noise in applications spanning gravitational wave detection, biological …
reduce quantum noise in applications spanning gravitational wave detection, biological …
Bolometer operating at the threshold for circuit quantum electrodynamics
Radiation sensors based on the heating effect of absorbed radiation are typically simple to
operate and flexible in terms of input frequency, so they are widely used in gas detection 1 …
operate and flexible in terms of input frequency, so they are widely used in gas detection 1 …
Propagating quantum microwaves: towards applications in communication and sensing
The field of propagating quantum microwaves is a relatively new area of research that is
receiving increased attention due to its promising technological applications, both in …
receiving increased attention due to its promising technological applications, both in …
Quantum estimation methods for quantum illumination
Quantum illumination consists in shining quantum light on a target region immersed in a
bright thermal bath with the aim of detecting the presence of a possible low-reflective object …
bright thermal bath with the aim of detecting the presence of a possible low-reflective object …
Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states
Quantum communication protocols based on nonclassical correlations can be more efficient
than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In …
than known classical methods and offer intrinsic security over direct state transfer. In …
Quantum-enhanced Doppler lidar
We propose a quantum-enhanced lidar system to estimate a target's radial velocity, which
employs squeezed and frequency-entangled signal and idler beams. We compare its …
employs squeezed and frequency-entangled signal and idler beams. We compare its …
Minimum error probability of quantum illumination
Quantum illumination is a technique for detecting the presence of a target in a noisy
environment by means of a quantum probe. We prove that the two-mode squeezed vacuum …
environment by means of a quantum probe. We prove that the two-mode squeezed vacuum …
Experimental quantum target detection approaching the fundamental Helstrom limit
Quantum target detection is an emerging application that utilizes entanglement to enhance
the sensing of the presence of an object. Although several experimental demonstrations for …
the sensing of the presence of an object. Although several experimental demonstrations for …