The future of invasion science needs physiology
Incorporating physiology into models of population dynamics will improve our understanding
of how and why invasions succeed and cause ecological impacts, whereas others fail or …
of how and why invasions succeed and cause ecological impacts, whereas others fail or …
The problem of pseudoreplication in neuroscientific studies: is it affecting your analysis?
SE Lazic - BMC neuroscience, 2010 - Springer
Background Pseudoreplication occurs when observations are not statistically independent,
but treated as if they are. This can occur when there are multiple observations on the same …
but treated as if they are. This can occur when there are multiple observations on the same …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic review identifying seminal plasma biomarkers and their predictive ability on IVF and ICSI outcomes
The diverse nature and high molecule concentration of seminal plasma (SP) makes this fluid
a good potential source for a potential biomarker that could predict assisted reproductive …
a good potential source for a potential biomarker that could predict assisted reproductive …
Data-driven analysis of influential factors on residential energy end-use in the US
Decarbonizing the residential buildings sector is important to realize a net-zero future.
However, little research comprehensively explores how residential energy by end-uses, ie …
However, little research comprehensively explores how residential energy by end-uses, ie …
Ocean acidification alters morphology of all otolith types in Clark's anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii)
Ocean acidification, the ongoing decline of surface ocean pH and [CO 3 2−] due to
absorption of surplus atmospheric CO2, has far-reaching consequences for marine biota …
absorption of surplus atmospheric CO2, has far-reaching consequences for marine biota …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental evidence that dung beetles benefit from reduced ivermectin in targeted treatment of livestock parasites
Anthelmintic residues in livestock dung can adversely affect beneficial organisms. Targeted
selective treatment (TST) of a reduced proportion of livestock with anthelmintics can slow …
selective treatment (TST) of a reduced proportion of livestock with anthelmintics can slow …
Four simple ways to increase power without increasing the sample size
SE Lazic - Laboratory animals, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Underpowered experiments have three problems: true effects are harder to detect, the true
effects that are detected tend to have inflated effect sizes and as power decreases so does …
effects that are detected tend to have inflated effect sizes and as power decreases so does …
Investigation of the antibacterial effects of silver-modified TiO2 and ZnO plasmonic photocatalysts embedded in polymer thin films
SP Tallósy, L Janovák, J Ménesi, E Nagy… - … Science and Pollution …, 2014 - Springer
Abstract Nanosilver-modified TiO 2 and ZnO photocatalysts were studied against methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus on the surface and against naturally occurring airborne …
resistant Staphylococcus aureus on the surface and against naturally occurring airborne …
A longitudinal study of the relationship between lifestyle and mental health among midlife and older women in Australia: findings from the healthy aging of women …
Q Xu, D Anderson, M Courtney - Health Care for Women …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
We investigated the temporal relationship between lifestyle and mental health among 564
midlife women. The mental health measured included anxiety, depression, and mental well …
midlife women. The mental health measured included anxiety, depression, and mental well …
Age differences in effectiveness of encoding techniques on memory
SHN Tran, MA Fernandes - Aging, Neuropsychology, and …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
We compared the effectiveness of different encoding techniques across the adult age range.
Three hundred participants: 100 younger, 100 middle-aged, and 100 older adults, were …
Three hundred participants: 100 younger, 100 middle-aged, and 100 older adults, were …