The emerging landscape of explainable ai planning and decision making
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive outline of the different threads of work in
Explainable AI Planning (XAIP) that has emerged as a focus area in the last couple of years …
Explainable AI Planning (XAIP) that has emerged as a focus area in the last couple of years …
Why can't you do that hal? explaining unsolvability of planning tasks
Explainable planning is widely accepted as a pre-requisite for autonomous agents to
successfully work with humans. While there has been a lot of research on generating …
successfully work with humans. While there has been a lot of research on generating …
Merge-and-shrink: A compositional theory of transformations of factored transition systems
The merge-and-shrink framework has been introduced as a general approach for defining
abstractions of large state spaces arising in domain-independent planning and related …
abstractions of large state spaces arising in domain-independent planning and related …
–d3wa+–a case study of xaip in a model acquisition task for dialogue planning
Recently, the D3WA system was proposed as a paradigm shift in how complex goal-oriented
dialogue agents can be specified by taking a declarative view of design. However, it turns …
dialogue agents can be specified by taking a declarative view of design. However, it turns …
[PDF][PDF] Towards compositional hardware model checking certification
In this paper, we revisit and formalize temporal decomposition, as one of the most basic,
widely-used and effective preprocessing techniques in hardware model checking. The main …
widely-used and effective preprocessing techniques in hardware model checking. The main …
Engineering knowledge for automated planning: Towards a notion of quality
Automated planning is a prominent Artificial Intelligence challenge, as well as being a
common capability requirement for intelligent autonomous agents. A critical aspect of what is …
common capability requirement for intelligent autonomous agents. A critical aspect of what is …
[PDF][PDF] Strong Fully Observable Non-Deterministic Planning with LTL and LTLf Goals.
We are concerned with the synthesis of strategies for sequential decision-making in
nondeterministic dynamical environments where the objective is to satisfy a prescribed …
nondeterministic dynamical environments where the objective is to satisfy a prescribed …
Formally verified solution methods for Markov decision processes
We formally verify executable algorithms for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs) in
the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. We build on existing formalizations of …
the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. We build on existing formalizations of …
Learning generalized unsolvability heuristics for classical planning
Recent work in classical planning has introduced dedicated techniques for detecting
unsolvable states, ie, states from which no goal state can be reached. We approach the …
unsolvable states, ie, states from which no goal state can be reached. We approach the …
Human-AI symbiosis: A survey of current approaches
In this paper, we aim at providing a comprehensive outline of the different threads of work in
human-AI collaboration. By highlighting various aspects of works on the human-AI team …
human-AI collaboration. By highlighting various aspects of works on the human-AI team …