When a machine detects student reasoning: a review of machine learning-based formative assessment of mechanistic reasoning
PP Martin, N Graulich - Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
In chemistry, reasoning about the underlying mechanisms of observed phenomena lies at
the core of scientific practices. The process of uncovering, analyzing, and interpreting …
the core of scientific practices. The process of uncovering, analyzing, and interpreting …
[KNYGA][B] Science and engineering for grades 6-12: Investigation and design at the center
K Brenner, N Songer, B Moulding - 2019 - books.google.com
It is essential for today's students to learn about science and engineering in order to make
sense of the world around them and participate as informed members of a democratic …
sense of the world around them and participate as informed members of a democratic …
[HTML][HTML] A review of teacher implemented scaffolding in K-12
S Dominguez, V Svihla - Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2023 - Elsevier
Although scaffolding—often in the form of help from a teacher—supports students to achieve
more than they can do on their own, prior reviews have not focused on the role of the …
more than they can do on their own, prior reviews have not focused on the role of the …
Teachers' formative assessment abilities and their relationship to student learning: Findings from a four-year intervention study
The teaching practices of recognizing and responding to students' ideas during instruction
are often called formative assessment, and can be conceptualized by four abilities …
are often called formative assessment, and can be conceptualized by four abilities …
Identifying a core set of science teaching practices: A Delphi expert panel approach
M Kloser - Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Framework for K‐12 Science Education details ambitious goals for students'
learning of science content and practices. However, this document provides science …
learning of science content and practices. However, this document provides science …
Exploring new depths: Applying machine learning for the analysis of student argumentation in chemistry
Constructing arguments is essential in science subjects like chemistry. For example,
students in organic chemistry should learn to argue about the plausibility of competing …
students in organic chemistry should learn to argue about the plausibility of competing …
Designing, launching, and implementing high quality learning opportunities for students that advance scientific thinking
Instructional tasks are key features of classroom practice, but little is known about how
different components of tasks—such as selecting or designing tasks for a lesson, launching …
different components of tasks—such as selecting or designing tasks for a lesson, launching …
Analysis of organic chemistry students' develo** reasoning elicited by a scaffolded case comparison activity
Recent efforts in organic chemistry education research focus on investigating activities and
strategies designed to elicit students' mechanistic reasoning. This study investigates how a …
strategies designed to elicit students' mechanistic reasoning. This study investigates how a …
Learning theory, classroom assessment, and equity
Despite increasing awareness about the role of classroom assessments in perpetuating
educational inequities, the research community continues to struggle with how to support …
educational inequities, the research community continues to struggle with how to support …
Supporting preservice science teachers' ability to attend and respond to student thinking by design
ABSTRACT A teacher's ability to attend and respond to student thinking is a key instructional
capacity for promoting complex and deeper learning in science classrooms. This qualitative …
capacity for promoting complex and deeper learning in science classrooms. This qualitative …