Nitrous oxide emissions from permafrost-affected soils
Soils are sources of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) globally, but emissions
from permafrost-affected soils have been considered negligible owing to nitrogen (N) …
from permafrost-affected soils have been considered negligible owing to nitrogen (N) …
A review of the importance of mineral nitrogen cycling in the plant-soil-microbe system of permafrost-affected soils—changing the paradigm
E Ramm, C Liu, P Ambus… - Environmental …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The paradigm that permafrost-affected soils show restricted mineral nitrogen (N) cycling in
favor of organic N compounds is based on the observation that net N mineralization rates in …
favor of organic N compounds is based on the observation that net N mineralization rates in …
Priming mechanisms providing plants and microbes access to mineral-associated organic matter
Mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) is considered a stable reservoir for soil nutrients
that influences long-term soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. However, recent …
that influences long-term soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics. However, recent …
Nitrogen availability regulates topsoil carbon dynamics after permafrost thaw by altering microbial metabolic efficiency
Input of labile carbon may accelerate the decomposition of existing soil organic matter
(priming effect), with the priming intensity depending on changes in soil nitrogen availability …
(priming effect), with the priming intensity depending on changes in soil nitrogen availability …
Carbon loss from northern circumpolar permafrost soils amplified by rhizosphere priming
As global temperatures continue to rise, a key uncertainty of climate projections is the
microbial decomposition of vast organic carbon stocks in thawing permafrost soils …
microbial decomposition of vast organic carbon stocks in thawing permafrost soils …
A plant–microbe interaction framework explaining nutrient effects on primary production
In most terrestrial ecosystems, plant growth is limited by nitrogen and phosphorus. Adding
either nutrient to soil usually affects primary production, but their effects can be positive or …
either nutrient to soil usually affects primary production, but their effects can be positive or …
Contrasting drivers of belowground nitrogen cycling in a montane grassland exposed to a multifactorial global change experiment with elevated CO2, warming, and …
Depolymerization of high‐molecular weight organic nitrogen (N) represents the major
bottleneck of soil N cycling and yet is poorly understood compared to the subsequent …
bottleneck of soil N cycling and yet is poorly understood compared to the subsequent …
Divergent patterns of experimental and model-derived permafrost ecosystem carbon dynamics in response to Arctic warming
In the last few decades, temperatures in the Arctic have increased twice as much as the rest
of the globe. As permafrost thaws in response to this warming, large amounts of soil organic …
of the globe. As permafrost thaws in response to this warming, large amounts of soil organic …
Potential nitrogen mobilisation from the Yedoma permafrost domain
Permafrost regions, characterised by extensive belowground excess ice, are highly
vulnerable to rapid thaw, particularly in areas such as the Yedoma domain. This region is …
vulnerable to rapid thaw, particularly in areas such as the Yedoma domain. This region is …
Soil resource heterogeneity competitively favors an invasive clonal plant over a native one
JF Liang, WY Yuan, JQ Gao, SR Roiloa, MH Song… - Oecologia, 2020 - Springer
Soil resource heterogeneity can affect plant growth and competitive ability. However, little is
known about how soil resource heterogeneity affects competitive interactions between …
known about how soil resource heterogeneity affects competitive interactions between …