Secure quantum key distribution with realistic devices
In principle, quantum key distribution (QKD) offers information-theoretic security based on
the laws of physics. In practice, however, the imperfections of realistic devices might …
the laws of physics. In practice, however, the imperfections of realistic devices might …
Security in quantum cryptography
Quantum cryptography exploits principles of quantum physics for the secure processing of
information. A prominent example is secure communication, ie, the task of transmitting …
information. A prominent example is secure communication, ie, the task of transmitting …
Mode-pairing quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution—the establishment of information-theoretically secure keys based
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
on quantum physics—is mainly limited by its practical performance, which is characterised …
Photonic quantum information processing: a review
Photonic quantum technologies represent a promising platform for several applications,
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
600-km repeater-like quantum communications with dual-band stabilization
Twin-field (TF) quantum key distribution (QKD) fundamentally alters the rate-distance
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …
relationship of QKD, offering the scaling of a single-node quantum repeater. Although recent …
Toward a photonic demonstration of device-independent quantum key distribution
The security of quantum key distribution (QKD) usually relies on that the users' devices are
well characterized according to the security models made in the security proofs. In contrast …
well characterized according to the security models made in the security proofs. In contrast …
Quantum entanglement
All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is
predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum …
predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum …
The security of practical quantum key distribution
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the first quantum information task to reach the level of
mature technology, already fit for commercialization. It aims at the creation of a secret key …
mature technology, already fit for commercialization. It aims at the creation of a secret key …
Security of quantum key distribution
R Renner - International Journal of Quantum Information, 2008 - World Scientific
Quantum Information Theory is an area of physics which studies both fundamental and
applied issues in quantum mechanics from an information-theoretical viewpoint. The …
applied issues in quantum mechanics from an information-theoretical viewpoint. The …
Quantum conference key agreement: A review
Conference key agreement (CKA), or multipartite key distribution, is a cryptographic task
where more than two parties wish to establish a common secret key. A composition of …
where more than two parties wish to establish a common secret key. A composition of …