Evolution and characteristics of continental rifting: Analog modeling-inspired view and comparison with examples from the East African Rift System
The evolution and characteristics of narrow continental rifting are illustrated in this paper
through a review of recent lithospheric-scale analog models of continental extension …
through a review of recent lithospheric-scale analog models of continental extension …
[HTML][HTML] Structural inheritance in amagmatic rift basins: Manifestations and mechanisms for how pre-existing structures influence rift-related faults
In the context of rift basin formation, structural inheritance describes the influence of pre-
existing structures on new rift-related structures, including faults. Pre-existing structures in …
existing structures on new rift-related structures, including faults. Pre-existing structures in …
Reactivation of intrabasement structures during rifting: A case study from offshore southern Norway
Pre-existing structures within crystalline basement may exert a significant influence over the
evolution of rifts. However, the exact manner in which these structures reactivate and thus …
evolution of rifts. However, the exact manner in which these structures reactivate and thus …
Fault growth and interactions in a multiphase rift fault network: Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
Physical models predict that multiphase rifts that experience a change in extension direction
between stretching phases will typically develop non-colinear normal fault sets …
between stretching phases will typically develop non-colinear normal fault sets …
How do normal faults grow?
Normal faults grow via synchronous increase in displacement and length ('propagating fault
model', also known as the 'isolated fault model'), or by rapid length establishment and …
model', also known as the 'isolated fault model'), or by rapid length establishment and …
Normal fault array evolution above a reactivated rift fabric; a subsurface example from the northern Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea
The impact of a pre‐existing rift fabric on normal fault array evolution during a subsequent
phase of lithospheric extension is investigated using 2‐D and 3‐D seismic reflection, and …
phase of lithospheric extension is investigated using 2‐D and 3‐D seismic reflection, and …
Tectonic inheritance and continental rift architecture: Numerical and analogue models of the East African Rift system
The western branch of the East African Rift is composed of an arcuate succession of
elongate asymmetric basins, which differ in terms of interaction geometry, fault architecture …
elongate asymmetric basins, which differ in terms of interaction geometry, fault architecture …
Brittle shear tectonics in a narrow continental rift: asymmetric nonvolcanic Barmer Basin (Rajasthan, India)
Our field studies emphasizing brittle shear P-and Y-planes along the margins of the Barmer
basin (Rajasthan, India) support its two-phase (NW-SE, followed by NE-SW) extension …
basin (Rajasthan, India) support its two-phase (NW-SE, followed by NE-SW) extension …
Near N–S paleo-extension in the western Deccan region, India: Does it link strike-slip tectonics with India–Seychelles rifting?
This is the first detailed report and analyses of deformation from the W part of the Deccan
large igneous province (DLIP), Maharashtra, India. This deformation, related to the India …
large igneous province (DLIP), Maharashtra, India. This deformation, related to the India …
The role of structural inheritance in oblique rifting: Insights from analogue models and application to the Gulf of Aden
The geometry and kinematics of rifts are strongly controlled by pre-existing structures that
may be present in both the crust and the mantle lithosphere. In the Gulf of Aden, the Tertiary …
may be present in both the crust and the mantle lithosphere. In the Gulf of Aden, the Tertiary …