Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks

S Ahmed, KM Wallace, LT Blessing - Research in engineering design, 2003 - Springer
Research was undertaken to understand how to provide the most appropriate support for
novice designers in engineering design. However, how designers apply their experience …

Initial mental representations of design problems: Differences between experts and novices

TA Björklund - Design Studies, 2013 - Elsevier
Defining and structuring wicked design problems has a major influence on subsequent
problem solving, and demands a considerable level of skill. Previous research on mental …

Linking design process to customer satisfaction through virtual design of experiments

VK Jain, DK Sobek - Research in Engineering Design, 2006 - Springer
This work seeks to better understand how design processes affect design outcomes. Design
process data were collected from journals kept as a part of mechanical engineering …

An in situ study of analogical reasoning in novice and experienced design engineers

S Ahmed, BT Christensen - 2009 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This paper describes a study to understand the use of analogies by design engineers with
different levels of experience in an adaptive design domain. Protocol analyses of 12 design …

Impact of mental iteration on concept generation

P Chusilp, Y ** - 2006 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Mental iteration in conceptual design involves repetition of cognitive activities when
designers perceive discrepancies of the desired state and current state of design. Although it …

Persona ontology for user centred design professionals

F Anvari, HMT Tran - Proceedings of the ICIME 4th International …, 2013 - books.google.com
The design of software applications is a multistage creative process. User Centred Design
(UCD) is a methodology used to develop applications that consider the goals of the users as …

A two-dimensional computational model of lymph transport across primary lymphatic valves

P Galie, RL Spilker - 2009 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This study utilizes a finite element model to characterize the transendothelial transport
through overlap** endothelial cells in primary lymphatics during the uptake of interstitial …

Engineering knowledge management

K Wallace, S Ahmed, R Bracewell - Design process improvement: A …, 2005 - Springer
The need to improve engineering knowledge management (EKM) is driven by the current
challenges facing manufacturing organisations in the emerging global economy and, in …

[PDF][PDF] The role of knowledge and experience in engineering design

S Ahmed, P Hacker, K Wallace - DS 35: Proceedings ICED 05 …, 2005 - designsociety.org
This research aims to understand the importance of different types of knowledge to
engineering and to understand the number of years of relevant experience required to …

An industrial case study: Identification of competencies of design engineers

S Ahmed - 2007 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
This paper describes the findings from an empirical study carried out with engineers in
senior roles within a large company manufacturing complex products. This research aimed …