An evolutionary perspective on appearance enhancement behavior

AC Davis, S Arnocky - Archives of sexual behavior, 2022‏ - Springer
Researchers have highlighted numerous sociocultural factors that have been shown to
underpin human appearance enhancement practices, including the influence of peers …

When sex and power collide: An argument for critical sexuality studies

B Fahs, SI McClelland - The journal of sex research, 2016‏ - Taylor & Francis
Attentive to the collision of sex and power, we add momentum to the ongoing development
of the subfield of critical sexuality studies. We argue that this body of work is defined by its …

'Freedom to'and 'freedom from': A new vision for sex-positive politics

B Fahs - Sexualities, 2014‏ -
While the sex-positive movement has made a significant contribution to the advancement of
women's sexuality, much of this work has emphasized 'positive liberty,'that is, women's …

“It shouldn't stick out from your bikini at the beach” Meaning, gender, and the hairy/hairless body

V Braun, G Tricklebank… - Psychology of Women …, 2013‏ -
Women's and men's bodies and sexuality can be understood as socially situated and
socially produced. This means they are affected by, and developed in relation to, patterned …

Genital panics: Constructing the vagina in women's qualitative narratives about pubic hair, menstrual sex, and vaginal self-image

B Fahs - Body image, 2014‏ - Elsevier
An emerging body of research targets women's relationship to their genitals, particularly as
pubic hair removal and the promotion of female genital surgeries increase in popularity and …

Sexuality and embodiment.

DL Tolman, CP Bowman, B Fahs - 2014‏ -
We begin the introduction to this chapter by articulating social concepts of “the body” and
their relationship to understandings of and research about sexuality. We presents the major …

Laser therapy for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. A systematic review and meta-analysis

E Pitsouni, T Grigoriadis, ME Falagas, S Salvatore… - Maturitas, 2017‏ - Elsevier
This study aimed to identify and then synthesize all available data regarding the efficacy of
laser therapy for postmenopausal women with genitourinary syndrome of menopause …

[ספר][B] Identically different: Why you can change your genes

T Spector - 2012‏ -
* A brand new and updated edition for 2024, including the latest insights on diet and weight
management drugs, gene editing, cancer testing, anti-ageing, ultra-processed foods and …

Genital self-image in adolescent girls: the effectiveness of a brief educational video

AN Fernando, G Sharp - Body Image, 2020‏ - Elsevier
The study investigated the effectiveness of a very brief video aimed at increasing adolescent
girls' knowledge of the variation in normal female genital appearance and improving their …

Pubic hair grooming prevalence and motivation among women in the United States

TS Rowen, TW Gaither, MA Awad… - JAMA …, 2016‏ -
Importance Pubic hair grooming is an increasingly prevalent trend. Several studies have
sought to characterize its prevalence, associated demographics, and motivations. Objective …