Estimation of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy: A review

G Wang, F Yang, K Wu, Y Ma, C Peng, T Liu… - Chemical Engineering …, 2021 - Elsevier
A comprehensive literature review on the estimation of the dissipation rate of turbulent
kinetic energy is presented to assess the current state of knowledge available in this area …

Magnetic reconnection as an element of turbulence

S Servidio, P Dmitruk, A Greco, M Wan… - Nonlinear Processes …, 2011 -
In this work, recent advances on the study of reconnection in turbulence are reviewed. Using
direct numerical simulations of decaying incompressible two-dimensional …

Extreme events in computational turbulence

PK Yeung, XM Zhai, KR Sreenivasan - Proceedings of the National …, 2015 -
We have performed direct numerical simulations of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence
in a periodic box with 8, 1923 grid points. These are the largest simulations performed, to …

Is vortex stretching the main cause of the turbulent energy cascade?

M Carbone, AD Bragg - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2020 -
In three-dimensional turbulence there is on average a cascade of kinetic energy from the
largest to the smallest scales of the flow. While the dominant idea is that the cascade occurs …

Extreme velocity gradients in turbulent flows

D Buaria, A Pumir, E Bodenschatz… - New Journal of …, 2019 -
Fully turbulent flows are characterized by intermittent formation of very localized and intense
velocity gradients. These gradients can be orders of magnitude larger than their typical …

Interactions between turbulence and flames in premixed reacting flows

PE Hamlington, AY Poludnenko, ES Oran - Physics of Fluids, 2011 -
The interactions between turbulence and flames in premixed reacting flows are studied for a
broad range of turbulence intensities by analyzing scalar (reactant mass-fraction) gradient …

Developed quantum turbulence and its decay

L Skrbek, KR Sreenivasan - Physics of Fluids, 2012 -
Developed quantum turbulence and its decaya) | Physics of Fluids | AIP Publishing Skip to Main
Content Umbrella Alt Text Umbrella Alt Text Close Publishers AIP Publishing Physics Today …

[HTML][HTML] Estimating uncertainties in statistics computed from direct numerical simulation

TA Oliver, N Malaya, R Ulerich, RD Moser - Physics of Fluids, 2014 -
Rigorous assessment of uncertainty is crucial to the utility of direct numerical simulation
(DNS) results. Uncertainties in the computed statistics arise from two sources: finite statistical …

Energy spectrum in high-resolution direct numerical simulations of turbulence

T Ishihara, K Morishita, M Yokokawa, A Uno… - Physical Review …, 2016 - APS
A study is made about the energy spectrum E (k) of turbulence on the basis of high-
resolution direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of forced incompressible turbulence in a …

Reynolds and Mach number scaling in solenoidally-forced compressible turbulence using high-resolution direct numerical simulations

S Jagannathan, DA Donzis - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016 -
Reynolds and Mach number scaling in solenoidally-forced compressible turbulence using
high-resolution direct numerical simulatio Page 1 J. Fluid Mech. (2016), vol. 789, pp. 669–707 …