The possible role of non-structural carbohydrates in the regulation of tree hydraulics
The xylem is a complex system that includes a network of dead conduits ensuring long-
distance water transport in plants. Under ongoing climate changes, xylem embolism is a …
distance water transport in plants. Under ongoing climate changes, xylem embolism is a …
[HTML][HTML] Abscisic acid biosynthesis and signaling in plants: Key targets to improve water use efficiency and drought tolerance
The observation of a much-improved fitness of wild-type plants over abscisic acid (ABA)-
deficient mutants during drought has led researchers from all over to world to perform …
deficient mutants during drought has led researchers from all over to world to perform …
Plant growth under suboptimal water conditions: early responses and methods to study them
Drought stress forms a major environmental constraint during the life cycle of plants, often
decreasing plant yield and in extreme cases threatening survival. The molecular and …
decreasing plant yield and in extreme cases threatening survival. The molecular and …
Potential role of the regulatory miR1119-MYC2 module in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) drought tolerance
MicroRNA (miRNA)-target gene modules are essential components of plants' abiotic stress
signalling pathways Little is known about the drought-responsive miRNA-target modules in …
signalling pathways Little is known about the drought-responsive miRNA-target modules in …
Stomatal regulation prevents plants from critical water potentials during drought: Result of a model linking soil–plant hydraulics to abscisic acid dynamics
Understanding stomatal regulation during drought is essential to correctly predict vegetation‐
atmosphere fluxes. Stomatal optimization models posit that stomata maximize the carbon …
atmosphere fluxes. Stomatal optimization models posit that stomata maximize the carbon …
Integrating stomatal physiology and morphology: evolution of stomatal control and development of future crops
Stomata are central players in the hydrological and carbon cycles, regulating the uptake of
carbon dioxide (CO 2) for photosynthesis and transpirative loss of water (H 2 O) between …
carbon dioxide (CO 2) for photosynthesis and transpirative loss of water (H 2 O) between …
[HTML][HTML] Unveiling resilience mechanisms of Quercus ilex seedlings to severe water stress: Changes in non-structural carbohydrates, xylem hydraulic functionality and …
Over the last few decades, extensive dieback and mortality episodes of Quercus ilex L. have
been documented after severe drought events in many Mediterranean forests. However, the …
been documented after severe drought events in many Mediterranean forests. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] Plant physiological analysis to overcome limitations to plant phenoty**
Plant physiological status is the interaction between the plant genome and the prevailing
growth conditions. Accurate characterization of plant physiology is, therefore, fundamental to …
growth conditions. Accurate characterization of plant physiology is, therefore, fundamental to …
The photosynthesis game is in the" inter-play": Mechanisms underlying CO2 diffusion in leaves
Ensuring global food security is a worldwide major concern considering the predicted
climate change scenarios for the main agricultural regions of the world. Stomatal …
climate change scenarios for the main agricultural regions of the world. Stomatal …
Jasmonic acid improved in vitro strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) resistance to PEG-induced water stress
To investigate the influence of jasmonic acid (JA) on morpho-physiological and biochemical
characteristics of strawberry cv. Queen Elisa, under in vitro PEG-induced water stress, a …
characteristics of strawberry cv. Queen Elisa, under in vitro PEG-induced water stress, a …