Strongly correlated electron–photon systems
An important goal of modern condensed-matter physics involves the search for states of
matter with emergent properties and desirable functionalities. Although the tools for material …
matter with emergent properties and desirable functionalities. Although the tools for material …
Polariton condensates for classical and quantum computing
Polariton lasers emit coherent monochromatic light through a spontaneous emission
process. As a rare example of a system in which Bose–Einstein condensation and …
process. As a rare example of a system in which Bose–Einstein condensation and …
Molecular polaritons for chemistry, photonics and quantum technologies
Molecular polaritons are quasiparticles resulting from the hybridization between molecular
and photonic modes. These composite entities, bearing characteristics inherited from both …
and photonic modes. These composite entities, bearing characteristics inherited from both …
Photonic bound states in the continuum: from basics to applications
The introduction of bound states in the continuum (BICs) to photonics has revolutionized the
way cavity design and light–matter interactions are thought about in general. BICs can have …
way cavity design and light–matter interactions are thought about in general. BICs can have …
Metal halide perovskite nanostructures for optoelectronic applications and the study of physical properties
Nanostructures of inorganic semiconductors have revolutionized many areas of electronics,
optoelectronics and photonics. The controlled synthesis of semiconductor nanostructures …
optoelectronics and photonics. The controlled synthesis of semiconductor nanostructures …
Topological valley Hall polariton condensation
A photonic topological insulator features robust directional propagation and immunity to
defect perturbations of the edge/surface state. Exciton-polaritons, that is, the hybrid …
defect perturbations of the edge/surface state. Exciton-polaritons, that is, the hybrid …
Polariton panorama
In this brief review, we summarize and elaborate on some of the nomenclature of polaritonic
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …
Ultrastrong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction
Recent experiments have demonstrated that light and matter can mix together to an extreme
degree, and previously uncharted regimes of light-matter interactions are currently being …
degree, and previously uncharted regimes of light-matter interactions are currently being …
Light–matter interactions with photonic quasiparticles
Interactions between light and matter play an instrumental role in spectroscopy, sensing,
quantum information processing and lasers. In most of these applications, light is considered …
quantum information processing and lasers. In most of these applications, light is considered …
Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality in a one-dimensional polariton condensate
Revealing universal behaviours is a hallmark of statistical physics. Phenomena such as the
stochastic growth of crystalline surfaces and of interfaces in bacterial colonies, and spin …
stochastic growth of crystalline surfaces and of interfaces in bacterial colonies, and spin …