Energy efficient clustering scheme for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor network with isolated nodes
A suitable clustering algorithm for grou** sensor nodes can increase the energy efficiency
of WSNs. However, clustering requires additional overhead, such as cluster head selection …
of WSNs. However, clustering requires additional overhead, such as cluster head selection …
Energy-efficient relay-selection-based dynamic routing algorithm for IoT-oriented software-defined WSNs
In this article, a dynamic routing algorithm based on energy-efficient relay selection (RS),
referred to as DRA-EERS, is proposed to adapt to the higher dynamics in time-varying …
referred to as DRA-EERS, is proposed to adapt to the higher dynamics in time-varying …
Energy-efficient data-gathering rendezvous algorithms with mobile sinks for wireless sensor networks
Energy conservation or energy balance in the process of data gathering has always been a
crucial issue for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially on …
crucial issue for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially on …
Performance analysis and optimization for the MAC protocol in UAV-based IoT network
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have played an important role in air-ground integration
network. Especially in Internet of Things (IoT) services, UAV equipped with communication …
network. Especially in Internet of Things (IoT) services, UAV equipped with communication …
Residual-energy aware modeling and analysis of time-varying wireless sensor networks
In this letter, the residual-energy aware feature of a sensor node in time-varying wireless
sensor networks (WSNs) is analyzed and modeled as a Markov chain, upon which the state …
sensor networks (WSNs) is analyzed and modeled as a Markov chain, upon which the state …
Energy-efficient mobile sink data collection in wireless sensor networks using LEACH with rendezvous nodes
Abstract In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy consumption management poses a
formidable challenge due to the energy-intensive nature of data transmission and …
formidable challenge due to the energy-intensive nature of data transmission and …
Energy capable clustering method for extend the duration of IoT based mobile wireless sensor network with remote nodes
G Kiruba, Benita - Energy Harvesting and Systems, 2021 -
The energy performance of IoT-MWSNs may be augmented by using a suitable clustering
technique for integrating IoT sensors. Clustering, on the other hand, requires additional …
technique for integrating IoT sensors. Clustering, on the other hand, requires additional …
H-CERP: energy efficient scheme for industrial WSN applications
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming an inevitable solution in industries for its
automation and monitoring applications. Sensor nodes in WSN are deployed in fields with …
automation and monitoring applications. Sensor nodes in WSN are deployed in fields with …
Impact of optimal hop distance on the network lifetime for wireless sensor networks with QoS requirements
In this letter, the impact of the optimal hop distance (OHD) on the network lifetime (NL) is
analyzed in wireless sensor networks with the consideration of link quality of service (QoS) …
analyzed in wireless sensor networks with the consideration of link quality of service (QoS) …
[PDF][PDF] Relay Node Selection in Wireless Sensor Network Using
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is continuously evolved with the advancement of wireless
technologies. The dominating targets that control the WSN are energy and throughput of the …
technologies. The dominating targets that control the WSN are energy and throughput of the …