Movement ecology of the white seabream Diplodus sargus across its life cycle: a review
The white seabream Diplodus sargus (L., 1758)(Osteichthyes, Sparidae) is a littoral species
living mainly in rocky habitats and distributed in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean …
living mainly in rocky habitats and distributed in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean …
[HTML][HTML] Time at risk: Individual spatial behaviour drives effectiveness of marine protected areas and fitness
Abstract The effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) depends on the mobility of the
populations that are the target of protection, with sedentary species likely to spend more time …
populations that are the target of protection, with sedentary species likely to spend more time …
Fully protected marine areas linked to reduced home ranges of fishes
Home range size is a fundamental trait that can affect the probability of fish being harvested
and, at the same time, may be affected by fishing. The relationship between home range …
and, at the same time, may be affected by fishing. The relationship between home range …
Ordinary and extraordinary movement behaviour of small resident fish within a Mediterranean marine protected area
It is important to account for the movement behaviour of fishes when designing effective
marine protected areas (MPAs). Fish movements occur across different spatial and temporal …
marine protected areas (MPAs). Fish movements occur across different spatial and temporal …
Artificial fish nurseries can restore certain nursery characteristics in marine urban habitats
E Joubert, RPM Gauff, B de Vogüé, F Chavanon… - Marine Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Port areas are subjected to multiple anthropic pressures that directly impact residing marine
communities and deprive them of most of their essential ecological functions. Several global …
communities and deprive them of most of their essential ecological functions. Several global …
Identification of phenolic compounds, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of raisin extracts
In this study, antibacterial, antioxidant and phenolic compounds of raisin extracts was
evaluated. Different solvent extraction methods were utilized to extract phenolic compounds …
evaluated. Different solvent extraction methods were utilized to extract phenolic compounds …
Habitat effects on home range and schooling behaviour in a herbivorous fish (Kyphosus bigibbus) revealed by acoustic tracking
Large mobile herbivorous fish that specialise in browsing large brown algae are particularly
important on coral reefs because their activities mediate algal–coral competition. Despite …
important on coral reefs because their activities mediate algal–coral competition. Despite …
Biomass HotSpot distribution model and spatial interaction of two exploited species of horse mackerel in the south-central Mediterranean Sea
Trachurus trachurus and Trachurus mediterraneus play an important role in the marine
ecosystem and represent an important source of income for local economies related to …
ecosystem and represent an important source of income for local economies related to …
[HTML][HTML] Sandy bottoms have limited species richness but substantially contribute to the regional coastal fish β-diversity: A case study of the Central Mediterranean Sea
Global marine biodiversity loss impairs entire ecosystems and their stability. Robust
biodiversity estimates are key to inform policies and management strategies, and need to …
biodiversity estimates are key to inform policies and management strategies, and need to …
Spawning-related fish movement synchrony of white seabream Diplodus sargus in a no-take zone
M Pedaccini, I Sousa, L Bentes… - Marine Ecology …, 2023 - int-res.com
Studies assessing fish spatial behaviour are essential to better understand the performance
of marine protected areas. However, few studies have focused on the fine-scale movements …
of marine protected areas. However, few studies have focused on the fine-scale movements …