Power of infrared and Raman spectroscopies to characterize metal-organic frameworks and investigate their interaction with guest molecules
The variety of functionalities and porous structures inherent to metal-organic frameworks
(MOFs) together with the facile tunability of their properties makes these materials suitable …
(MOFs) together with the facile tunability of their properties makes these materials suitable …
MOF@ graphene nanocomposites for energy and environment applications
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are synthesized by coordinating organic bridging ligands
and metal ions, resulting in a novel class of crystalline materials with arranged porosity …
and metal ions, resulting in a novel class of crystalline materials with arranged porosity …
Metal–organic frameworks for food safety
Food safety is a prevalent concern around the world. As such, detection, removal, and
control of risks and hazardous substances present from harvest to consumption will always …
control of risks and hazardous substances present from harvest to consumption will always …
Metal–organic framework composites
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as porous coordination polymers (PCPs),
synthesized by assembling metal ions with organic ligands have recently emerged as a new …
synthesized by assembling metal ions with organic ligands have recently emerged as a new …
A review of electrochemical energy storage behaviors based on pristine metal–organic frameworks and their composites
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) fabricated via inorganic vertices and organic ligands
have drawn increasing interest from research communities by reason of their diversity in …
have drawn increasing interest from research communities by reason of their diversity in …
Synergistic advanced oxidation process for the fast degradation of ciprofloxacin antibiotics using a GO/CuMOF-magnetic ternary nanocomposite
A novel strategy was described to fabricate GO/CuBDC-Fe 3 O 4 ternary nanocomposite
using a green solvothermal method. The physicochemical properties of the ternary …
using a green solvothermal method. The physicochemical properties of the ternary …
Metal‐organic frameworks/graphene‐based materials: preparations and applications
Abstract Metal‐organic frameworks (MOFs), a new class of crystalline porous materials, can
be applied in many fields as adsorbents, supercapacitors, catalysts, and so on because of …
be applied in many fields as adsorbents, supercapacitors, catalysts, and so on because of …
Metal–organic frameworks for air purification of toxic chemicals
Since chlorine gas was first used in chemical warfare at Ypres, Belgium, in World War I
(WWI), the threat posed to military, civilian, and industrial personnel has continuously …
(WWI), the threat posed to military, civilian, and industrial personnel has continuously …
Nanoparticle/MOF composites: preparations and applications
Over the last twenty years, MOFs have emerged as a new promising porous material in the
areas of gas sorption and separation, catalysis, drug delivery, and molecule sensing …
areas of gas sorption and separation, catalysis, drug delivery, and molecule sensing …
Mathematical analysis and molecular descriptors of two novel metal–organic models with chemical applications
Abstract Metal–Organic Networks (MONs) are made by chemical molecules that contain
metal ions and organic ligands. A crystalline porous solid called Metal–Organic Networks …
metal ions and organic ligands. A crystalline porous solid called Metal–Organic Networks …