Atmospheric escape and the evolution of close-in exoplanets

JE Owen - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2019 -
Exoplanets with substantial hydrogen/helium atmospheres have been discovered in
abundance, many residing extremely close to their parent stars. The extreme irradiation …

Initiation and evolution of plate tectonics on Earth: theories and observations

J Korenaga - Annual review of earth and planetary sciences, 2013 -
The inception of plate tectonics on Earth and its subsequent evolution are discussed on the
basis of theoretical considerations and observational constraints. The likelihood of plate …

ESPRESSO at VLT-On-sky performance and first results

F Pepe, S Cristiani, R Rebolo, NC Santos… - Astronomy & …, 2021 -
Context. ESPRESSO is the new high-resolution spectrograph of ESO's Very Large
Telescope (VLT). It was designed for ultra-high radial-velocity (RV) precision and extreme …

The evaporation valley in the Kepler planets

JE Owen, Y Wu - The Astrophysical Journal, 2017 -
A new piece of evidence supporting the photoevaporation-driven evolution model for low-
mass, close-in exoplanets was recently presented by the California–Kepler Survey. The …

Identifying exoplanets with deep learning: A five-planet resonant chain around kepler-80 and an eighth planet around kepler-90

CJ Shallue, A Vanderburg - The Astronomical Journal, 2018 -
Abstract NASA's Kepler Space Telescope was designed to determine the frequency of Earth-
sized planets orbiting Sun-like stars, but these planets are on the very edge of the mission's …

An asteroseismic view of the radius valley: stripped cores, not born rocky

V Van Eylen, C Agentoft, MS Lundkvist… - Monthly Notices of …, 2018 -
Various theoretical models treating the effect of stellar irradiation on planetary envelopes
predict the presence of a radius valley, ie a bimodal distribution of planet radii, with super …

batman: basic transit model calculation in Python

L Kreidberg - Publications of the Astronomical Society of the …, 2015 -
I introduce batman, a Python package for modeling exoplanet transit and eclipse light
curves. The batman package supports calculation of light curves for any radially symmetric …

Kepler data validation I—architecture, diagnostic tests, and data products for vetting transiting planet candidates

JD Twicken, JH Catanzarite, BD Clarke… - Publications of the …, 2018 -
Abstract The Kepler Mission was designed to identify and characterize transiting planets in
the Kepler Field of View and to determine their occurrence rates. Emphasis was placed on …

The disk substructures at high angular resolution project (DSHARP). II. Characteristics of annular substructures

J Huang, SM Andrews, CP Dullemond… - The Astrophysical …, 2018 -
Abstract The Disk Substructures at High Angular Resolution Project (DSHARP) used ALMA
to map the 1.25 mm continuum of protoplanetary disks at a spatial resolution of∼ 5 au. We …

The occurrence of potentially habitable planets orbiting M dwarfs estimated from the full Kepler dataset and an empirical measurement of the detection sensitivity

CD Dressing, D Charbonneau - The Astrophysical Journal, 2015 -
We present an improved estimate of the occurrence rate of small planets orbiting small stars
by searching the full four-year Kepler data set for transiting planets using our own planet …