Defect engineering in thermoelectric materials: what have we learned?
Thermoelectric energy conversion is an all solid-state technology that relies on exceptional
semiconductor materials that are generally optimized through sophisticated strategies …
semiconductor materials that are generally optimized through sophisticated strategies …
High‐performance GeTe‐based thermoelectrics: from materials to devices
High‐performance GeTe‐based thermoelectrics have been recently attracting growing
research interest. Here, an overview is presented of the structural and electronic band …
research interest. Here, an overview is presented of the structural and electronic band …
Lattice strain advances thermoelectrics
Y Wu, Z Chen, P Nan, F ** facilitates conduction band convergence and improves thermoelectric performance in n-type PbS
P-type lead chalcogenides have superior thermoelectric performance because they exhibit
the energy convergence of several valence bands. However, despite the existence of two …
the energy convergence of several valence bands. However, despite the existence of two …
Fine tuning of defects enables high carrier mobility and enhanced thermoelectric performance of n-type PbTe
High carrier mobility is critical to improving thermoelectric performance over a broad
temperature range. However, traditional do** inevitably deteriorates carrier mobility …
temperature range. However, traditional do** inevitably deteriorates carrier mobility …
Inorganic thermoelectric materials: A review
Thermoelectric generator, which converts heat into electrical energy, has great potential to
power portable devices. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator suffers …
power portable devices. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a thermoelectric generator suffers …
Realizing high performance n-type PbTe by synergistically optimizing effective mass and carrier mobility and suppressing bipolar thermal conductivity
Y ** strategy in metavalently bonded materials for advancing thermoelectric performance
Metavalent bonding is a unique bonding mechanism responsible for exceptional properties
of materials used in thermoelectric, phase-change, and optoelectronic devices. For …
of materials used in thermoelectric, phase-change, and optoelectronic devices. For …
Multifunctional inorganic nanomaterials for energy applications
H Wang, X Liang, J Wang, S Jiao, D Xue - Nanoscale, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Our society has been facing more and more serious challenges towards achieving highly
efficient utilization of energy. In the field of energy applications, multifunctional …
efficient utilization of energy. In the field of energy applications, multifunctional …
Weak Electron–Phonon Coupling and Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in n‐type PbTe–Cu2Se via Dynamic Phase Conversion
This study investigates Ga‐doped n‐type PbTe thermoelectric materials and the dynamic
phase conversion process of the second phases via Cu2Se alloying. Introducing Cu2Se …
phase conversion process of the second phases via Cu2Se alloying. Introducing Cu2Se …