Redundancy analysis: A Swiss Army Knife for landscape genomics
Landscape genomics identifies how spatial and environmental factors structure the amount
and distribution of genetic variation among populations. Landscape genomic analyses have …
and distribution of genetic variation among populations. Landscape genomic analyses have …
Local adaptation: Causal agents of selection and adaptive trait divergence
Divergent selection across the landscape can favor the evolution of local adaptation in
populations experiencing contrasting conditions. Local adaptation is widely observed in a …
populations experiencing contrasting conditions. Local adaptation is widely observed in a …
Natural hybridization reduces vulnerability to climate change
Under climate change, species unable to track their niche via range shifts are largely reliant
on genetic variation to adapt and persist. Genomic vulnerability predictions are used to …
on genetic variation to adapt and persist. Genomic vulnerability predictions are used to …
The evolutionary genomics of species' responses to climate change
Climate change is a threat to biodiversity. One way that this threat manifests is through
pronounced shifts in the geographical range of species over time. To predict these shifts …
pronounced shifts in the geographical range of species over time. To predict these shifts …
Space‐for‐time substitutions in climate change ecology and evolution
In an epoch of rapid environmental change, understanding and predicting how biodiversity
will respond to a changing climate is an urgent challenge. Since we seldom have sufficient …
will respond to a changing climate is an urgent challenge. Since we seldom have sufficient …
Genomic insights into local adaptation and future climate-induced vulnerability of a keystone forest tree in East Asia
Rapid global climate change is posing a substantial threat to biodiversity. The assessment of
population vulnerability and adaptive capacity under climate change is crucial for informing …
population vulnerability and adaptive capacity under climate change is crucial for informing …
Re-thinking the environment in landscape genomics
Detecting the extrinsic selective pressures sha** genomic variation is critical for a better
understanding of adaptation and for forecasting evolutionary responses of natural …
understanding of adaptation and for forecasting evolutionary responses of natural …
Maladaptation, migration and extirpation fuel climate change risk in a forest tree species
Accounting for population-level adaptation and migration remains a central challenge to
predicting climate change effects on biodiversity. Assessing how climate change could …
predicting climate change effects on biodiversity. Assessing how climate change could …
Prospects and limitations of genomic offset in conservation management
In nature conservation, there is keen interest in predicting how populations will respond to
environmental changes such as climate change. These predictions can help determine …
environmental changes such as climate change. These predictions can help determine …
How fish population genomics can promote sustainable fisheries: A road map
Maintenance of genetic diversity in marine fishes targeted by commercial fishing is a grand
challenge for the future. Most of these species are abundant and therefore important for …
challenge for the future. Most of these species are abundant and therefore important for …