Agreeableness and its consequences: A quantitative review of meta-analytic findings

MP Wilmot, DS Ones - Personality and social psychology …, 2022 -
Agreeableness impacts people and real-world outcomes. In the most comprehensive
quantitative review to date, we summarize results from 142 meta-analyses reporting effects …

Extraversion advantages at work: A quantitative review and synthesis of the meta-analytic evidence.

MP Wilmot, CR Wanberg… - Journal of applied …, 2019 -
How and to what extent does extraversion relate to work relevant variables across the
lifespan? In the most extensive quantitative review to date, we summarize results from 97 …

Big Five personality traits and academic performance: A meta‐analysis

S Mammadov - Journal of personality, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Objective and Method This meta‐analysis reports the most comprehensive
assessment to date of the strength of the relationships between the Big Five personality traits …

Big five personality traits and performance: A quantitative synthesis of 50+ meta‐analyses

E Zell, TL Lesick - Journal of personality, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Objective The connection between personality traits and performance has fascinated
scholars in a variety of disciplines for over a century. The present research synthesizes …

How well can an AI chatbot infer personality? Examining psychometric properties of machine-inferred personality scores.

J Fan, T Sun, J Liu, T Zhao, B Zhang… - Journal of Applied …, 2023 -
The present study explores the plausibility of measuring personality indirectly through an
artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. This chatbot mines various textual features from users' free …

Who cares and who is careless? Insufficient effort responding as a reflection of respondent personality.

NA Bowling, JL Huang, CB Bragg… - Journal of personality …, 2016 -
Insufficient effort responding (IER) to surveys, which occurs when respondents fail to
carefully read questionnaire instructions or item content, has recently gained attention as a …

[KNJIGA][B] Essentials of psychological testing

S Urbina - 2014 -
An easy-to-understand overview of the key concepts of psychological testing Fully updated
and revised, the second edition of Essentials of Psychological Testing surveys the basic …

The Big Five and tertiary academic performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis

A Vedel - Personality and Individual Differences, 2014 - Elsevier
This article reports a systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationships between the
Big Five personality traits and tertiary academic performance. Five frequently used …

Good character at school: positive classroom behavior mediates the link between character strengths and school achievement

L Wagner, W Ruch - Frontiers in psychology, 2015 -
Character strengths have been found to be substantially related to children's and
adolescents' well-being. Initial evidence suggests that they also matter for school success …

Personality, cognitive ability, and academic performance: Differential associations across school subjects and school tracks

ND Brandt, CM Lechner, J Tetzner… - Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Personality traits and cognitive ability are well‐established predictors of academic
performance. Yet, how consistent and generalizable are the associations between …