[HTML][HTML] Application of deep learning in facility management and maintenance for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Despite the promising results of deep learning research, construction industry applications
are still limited. Facility Management (FM) in construction has yet to take full advantage of …
are still limited. Facility Management (FM) in construction has yet to take full advantage of …
Performance evaluation of water distribution systems and asset management
Water distribution systems (WDS) are among the most critical civil infrastructure systems. A
reliable and safe water supply is essential for the prosperity and continued well-being of …
reliable and safe water supply is essential for the prosperity and continued well-being of …
Toward life-cycle reliability-, risk-and resilience-based design and assessment of bridges and bridge networks under independent and interacting hazards: emphasis …
After recent large earthquakes, field investigations confirmed that several bridges were
severely damaged and collapsed not only due to the earthquake, as an independent …
severely damaged and collapsed not only due to the earthquake, as an independent …
Managing engineering systems with large state and action spaces through deep reinforcement learning
Decision-making for engineering systems management can be efficiently formulated using
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) or Partially Observable MDPs (POMDPs). Typical …
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) or Partially Observable MDPs (POMDPs). Typical …
System dynamics approach for evaluating the interconnection performance of cross-border transport infrastructure
Cross-border transport infrastructure (CTI) has been regarded as critical for boosting and
supporting the coordinated development of regions. However, so far, very limited studies …
supporting the coordinated development of regions. However, so far, very limited studies …
Bridge life-cycle performance and cost: analysis, prediction, optimisation and decision-making
The development of a generalised framework for assessing bridge life-cycle performance
and cost, with emphasis on analysis, prediction, optimisation and decision-making under …
and cost, with emphasis on analysis, prediction, optimisation and decision-making under …
Deep reinforcement learning driven inspection and maintenance planning under incomplete information and constraints
Determination of inspection and maintenance policies for minimizing long-term risks and
costs in deteriorating engineering environments constitutes a complex optimization problem …
costs in deteriorating engineering environments constitutes a complex optimization problem …
Life-cycle performance of deteriorating structural systems under uncertainty
In recent years, significant advances have been accomplished in the fields of modeling,
analysis, and design of deteriorating civil engineering systems, and novel approaches to life …
analysis, and design of deteriorating civil engineering systems, and novel approaches to life …
The Centerville virtual community: A fully integrated decision model of interacting physical and social infrastructure systems
Enhancing community resilience in the future will require new interdisciplinary systems-
based approaches that depend on many disciplines, including engineering, social and …
based approaches that depend on many disciplines, including engineering, social and …
Performance indicators for structural systems and infrastructure networks
Establishing consistent criteria for assessing the performance of structural systems and
infrastructure networks is a critical component of communities' efforts to optimize investment …
infrastructure networks is a critical component of communities' efforts to optimize investment …