The Australia urban research gateway
Summary The $20 m Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) project
(www. aurin. org. au) began in July 2010. AURIN has been tasked with develo** a secure …
(www. aurin. org. au) began in July 2010. AURIN has been tasked with develo** a secure …
The online what if? Planning support system
The chapter introduces the Online What if?(OWI) GIS-based planning support system, which
is being made available through the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network …
is being made available through the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network …
Modeling coordinated multiple views of heterogeneous data cubes for urban visual analytics
With the explosion of digital data, the need for advanced visual analytics, including
coordinated multiple views (CMV), is rapidly increasing. CMV enable users to discover …
coordinated multiple views (CMV), is rapidly increasing. CMV enable users to discover …
Characterizing IoT data and its quality for use
N Zubair, K Hebbar, Y Simmhan - arxiv preprint arxiv:1906.10497, 2019 - arxiv.org
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cyber physical social system that encompasses science,
enterprise and societal domains. Data is the most important commodity in IoT, enabling the" …
enterprise and societal domains. Data is the most important commodity in IoT, enabling the" …
A big data architecture for near real-time traffic analytics
Big data is a popular research topic that has brought about a range of new IT challenges
and opportunities. The transport domain is one area that has much to benefit from big data …
and opportunities. The transport domain is one area that has much to benefit from big data …
Urban data integration using proximity relationship learning for design, management, and operations of sustainable urban systems
The world is rapidly urbanizing, with 66% of the world's population expected to reside in
cities by 2050. This massive influx of new urban citizens is putting enormous pressure on …
cities by 2050. This massive influx of new urban citizens is putting enormous pressure on …
A scalable cloud-based system for data-intensive spatial analysis
Advances in Cloud computing technology and the availability of affordable and easy to use
Cloud services are enabling a multitude of scientific applications to use these resources as …
Cloud services are enabling a multitude of scientific applications to use these resources as …
Privacy preserving geo-linkage in the big urban data era
Big data technologies and a range of Government open data initiatives provide the basis for
discovering new insights into cities; how they are planned, how they managed and the day …
discovering new insights into cities; how they are planned, how they managed and the day …
The Australian Data‐Driven Urban Research Platform: Systems Paper
RO Sinnott… - Australian Economic …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Rapid urban growth is occurring across Australia. This has implications for planning and
management of cities. Data is key to tackling this. Hitherto, an extensive range of …
management of cities. Data is key to tackling this. Hitherto, an extensive range of …
The Urban Data Re-use and Integration Platform for Australia: Design, Realisation, and Case Studies
Many/most of the challenges facing urban researchers and indeed policy makers relate to
discovery of, access to and subsequent use of heterogeneous urban data sets. These data …
discovery of, access to and subsequent use of heterogeneous urban data sets. These data …