Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Tenaga Penilai Klaim Asuransi Harta Benda di Perusahaan Asuransi PT. XYZ

TI Hermansyah, L Hakim, S Sukmajaya - Jurnal Deliberatif, 2024 -
PT. XYZ, sebuah perusahaan Asuransi Umum, memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan
pelayanan klaim asuransi dengan memprioritaskan pengembangan sumber daya manusia …

Implementation of CLIL at Technical University Focusing on CLIL Teacher Profile

J Štefková, Z Danihelová, E Kováčiková - Advanced Education, 2021 -
The submitted paper deals with the issue of CLIL implementation at the Technical University
in Zvolen, Slovakia, specifically with the CLIL teacher profile and the preparedness of the …

Prediction of Ricefield Land Changes Using Cellular Automata and Rice Adequacy in Bantul Regency

AB Kuncoro, R Harini - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2025 -
Bantul Regency is the second-largest rice producer in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Province. However, the regency has experienced a decline in ricefield area coupled with …

Analisis Pemanfaatan Sistem Perdagangan Online Terkait Perilaku Belanja Masyarakat

I Sari, D Ong, O Pahlevi - Indonesian Journal on Software …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa luas nilai-nilai yang dapat diperoleh
dan juga memberikan reaksi serta hasil dari adanya pemanfaatan perdagangan online …

Analisa Dampak Penggunaan Sistem Conference Dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Daring

O Pahlevi, D Ong, I Sari - Indonesian Journal on Software …, 2021 -
Sistem Pembelajaran daring selama masa pandemi Covid-19 merupakan mekanisme
pembelajaran pendidikan yang diterapkan oleh hampir seluruh negara di dunia dari tingkat …

[PDF][PDF] Porter's generic strategies: A case study of the transition of Indonesian conventional taxi company to an online based

A Qonita, D Nurprawito, M Puspita - 2022 -
Today's technology has experienced a fairly rapid development. This is marked by the
presence of the internet which can facilitate communication and information for its users …

Strategic Planning for Electronic Teaching and Learning of English Language Using SWOT Matrix: A Case Study of High School Students in Iran

AA Ahangar, M Taghizadeh Langari… - Journal of Foreign …, 2024 -
The tremendous advances in information technology (IT) have brought about extensive
changes in various social and cultural fields, including language education. One of the most …


N LA - Language Research, 2022 -
Language-specific sentiment is often considered to be part of a universal structure of
willingness to communicate (WTC) that can also be known as willingness to read (WTR). In …

Evaluation and Challenges of Research Groups in Higher Education: A Study in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

A Ainurofiq - Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2021 -
The development of a research group coordinated by KPPMF is expected to lead to the
fusion of unidirectional scientific studies in the process of innovation.[...] research groups can …

Metoda obliczania skutków wdrożenia strategii zarządzania popytem na energię elektryczną (DSM/DSR) w systemach elektroenergetycznych

W Stahl - 2023 -
W niniejszej rozprawie poruszono zagadnienie strategii zarządzania popytem na energię
elektryczną (DSM/DSR) i sposobów obliczania efektów ich wdrożenia. W związku z tym …