Mechanisms of forest resilience
Ecosystems are dynamic systems with complex responses to environmental variation. In
response to pervasive stressors of changing climate and disturbance regimes, many …
response to pervasive stressors of changing climate and disturbance regimes, many …
[PDF][PDF] Wildfire-driven forest conversion in western North American landscapes
Changing disturbance regimes and climate can overcome forest ecosystem resilience.
Following high-severity fire, forest recovery may be compromised by lack of tree seed …
Following high-severity fire, forest recovery may be compromised by lack of tree seed …
Wildfires and climate change push low-elevation forests across a critical climate threshold for tree regeneration
Climate change is increasing fire activity in the western United States, which has the
potential to accelerate climate-induced shifts in vegetation communities. Wildfire can …
potential to accelerate climate-induced shifts in vegetation communities. Wildfire can …
Advancing ecohydrology in the 21st century: A convergence of opportunities
Nature‐based solutions for water‐resource challenges require advances in the science of
ecohydrology. Current understanding is limited by a shortage of observations and theories …
ecohydrology. Current understanding is limited by a shortage of observations and theories …
Tree height and leaf drought tolerance traits shape growth responses across droughts in a temperate broadleaf forest
As climate change drives increased drought in many forested regions, mechanistic
understanding of the factors conferring drought tolerance in trees is increasingly important …
understanding of the factors conferring drought tolerance in trees is increasingly important …
Plant carbohydrate depletion impairs water relations and spreads via ectomycorrhizal networks
Under prolonged drought and reduced photosynthesis, plants consume stored nonstructural
carbohydrates (NSCs). Stored NSC depletion may impair the regulation of plant water …
carbohydrates (NSCs). Stored NSC depletion may impair the regulation of plant water …
Topographic, soil, and climate drivers of drought sensitivity in forests and shrublands of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Climate change is anticipated to increase the frequency and intensity of droughts, with major
impacts to ecosystems globally. Broad-scale assessments of vegetation responses to …
impacts to ecosystems globally. Broad-scale assessments of vegetation responses to …
Understanding and predicting forest mortality in the western United States using long‐term forest inventory data and modeled hydraulic damage
Global warming is expected to exacerbate the duration and intensity of droughts in the
western United States, which may lead to increased tree mortality. A prevailing proximal …
western United States, which may lead to increased tree mortality. A prevailing proximal …
Relative water content consistently predicts drought mortality risk in seedling populations with different morphology, physiology and times to death
Predicted increases in forest drought mortality highlight the need for predictors of incipient
drought‐induced mortality (DIM) risk that enable proactive large‐scale management. Such …
drought‐induced mortality (DIM) risk that enable proactive large‐scale management. Such …
[HTML][HTML] Planted seedling survival in a post-wildfire landscape: From experimental planting to predictive probabilistic surfaces
Abstract Across the southwestern United States, high-severity wildfire is causing
increasingly large areas of tree mortality and removing the seed sources required for the …
increasingly large areas of tree mortality and removing the seed sources required for the …