Machine learning and the physical sciences
Machine learning (ML) encompasses a broad range of algorithms and modeling tools used
for a vast array of data processing tasks, which has entered most scientific disciplines in …
for a vast array of data processing tasks, which has entered most scientific disciplines in …
A review of modern computational algorithms for Bayesian optimal design
Bayesian experimental design is a fast growing area of research with many real‐world
applications. As computational power has increased over the years, so has the development …
applications. As computational power has increased over the years, so has the development …
Sequential neural likelihood: Fast likelihood-free inference with autoregressive flows
Abstract We present Sequential Neural Likelihood (SNL), a new method for Bayesian
inference in simulator models, where the likelihood is intractable but simulating data from …
inference in simulator models, where the likelihood is intractable but simulating data from …
BayesFlow: Learning complex stochastic models with invertible neural networks
Estimating the parameters of mathematical models is a common problem in almost all
branches of science. However, this problem can prove notably difficult when processes and …
branches of science. However, this problem can prove notably difficult when processes and …
Refining the causal loop diagram: A tutorial for maximizing the contribution of domain expertise in computational system dynamics modeling.
Complexity science and systems thinking are increasingly recognized as relevant
paradigms for studying systems where biology, psychology, and socioenvironmental factors …
paradigms for studying systems where biology, psychology, and socioenvironmental factors …
Bayesian synthetic likelihood
Having the ability to work with complex models can be highly beneficial. However, complex
models often have intractable likelihoods, so methods that involve evaluation of the …
models often have intractable likelihoods, so methods that involve evaluation of the …
A guide to constraining effective field theories with machine learning
We develop, discuss, and compare several inference techniques to constrain theory
parameters in collider experiments. By harnessing the latent-space structure of particle …
parameters in collider experiments. By harnessing the latent-space structure of particle …
Bayesian forecasting in economics and finance: A modern review
The Bayesian statistical paradigm provides a principled and coherent approach to
probabilistic forecasting. Uncertainty about all unknowns that characterize any forecasting …
probabilistic forecasting. Uncertainty about all unknowns that characterize any forecasting …
On the statistical calibration of physical models
We introduce a novel statistical calibration framework for physical models, relying on
probabilistic embedding of model discrepancy error within the model. For clarity of …
probabilistic embedding of model discrepancy error within the model. For clarity of …
Bayesian model updating of civil structures with likelihood-free inference approach and response reconstruction technique
Bayesian inference methods typically require a considerable amount of computation time in
the calculation of forward models. This limitation restricts the application of Bayesian …
the calculation of forward models. This limitation restricts the application of Bayesian …