A Sco** Review of Mathematics Interventions: Moderation Analyses of Initial Mathematics Skills
This sco** review describes mathematics intervention studies that include initial skill
moderation analyses. Sixteen studies were included that focused on students with or at risk …
moderation analyses. Sixteen studies were included that focused on students with or at risk …
Piloting the response to intervention model in the Canary Islands: Prevention of reading and math learning disabilities
The main objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an intervention
implemented by elementary school teachers within the context of the Response to …
implemented by elementary school teachers within the context of the Response to …
Examining the efficacy of a kindergarten mathematics intervention by group size and initial skill: Implications for practice and policy
This study examined whether the efficacy of ROOTS, a 50-lesson mathematics intervention
program focused on whole number concepts for at-risk kindergarten students, differed by …
program focused on whole number concepts for at-risk kindergarten students, differed by …
The role of pre-algebraic reasoning within a word-problem intervention for third-grade students with mathematics difficulty
Students in the elementary grades often experience difficulty setting up and solving word
problems. Using an equation to represent the structure of the problem serves as an effective …
problems. Using an equation to represent the structure of the problem serves as an effective …
Efficacy of a first-grade mathematics intervention on measurement and data analysis
Well-designed mathematics instruction focused on concepts and problem-solving skills
associated with measurement and data analysis can build a foundational understanding for …
associated with measurement and data analysis can build a foundational understanding for …
Variability in math achievement growth among students with early math learning difficulties and the role of school supports.
Math is a challenging subject, with many students demonstrating math learning difficulties
(MD) as early as kindergarten. However, our knowledge of how these students progress in …
(MD) as early as kindergarten. However, our knowledge of how these students progress in …
A conceptual replication of a kindergarten math intervention within the context of a research-based core
We replicated a study of a kindergarten mathematics intervention, ROOTS, delivered in the
context of a research-based core program. We randomly assigned 62 classrooms to …
context of a research-based core program. We randomly assigned 62 classrooms to …
Exploring the Relationship Between Initial Mathematics Skill and a Sixth-Grade Fractions Intervention
This study explored whether initial skill moderated outcomes of Promoting Algebra
Readiness, a Tier 2 sixth-grade mathematics intervention targeting conceptual and …
Readiness, a Tier 2 sixth-grade mathematics intervention targeting conceptual and …
Promoting understanding of measurement and statistical investigation among second-grade students with mathematics difficulties.
Measurement and statistical investigation are areas of mathematics visibly neglected in
educational intervention research, particularly studies involving students with or at risk for …
educational intervention research, particularly studies involving students with or at risk for …
Measuring the quantity and quality of explicit instructional interactions in an empirically validated tier 2 kindergarten mathematics intervention
Instructional interactions that occur between teachers and students around foundational
mathematics topics are critical for supporting mathematical proficiency among students with …
mathematics topics are critical for supporting mathematical proficiency among students with …