Managing food price instability: Critical assessment of the dominant doctrine

F Galtier - Global Food Security, 2013 - Elsevier
Ever since the late 1980s, the management of agricultural price instability has been
dominated both in academic and political circles by a single doctrine. Its domination is so …

International agreements to manage food price volatility

CL Gilbert - Global food security, 2012 - Elsevier
The 2007–08 food price surge has prompted renewed concerns in relation to food security. I
ask whether the International Commodity Agreements of the second half of the twentieth …

[Књига][B] Agricultural markets instability: Revisiting the recent food crises

A Garrido, B Brümmer, R M'Barek, M Meuwissen… - 2016 -
Since the financial and food price crises of 2007, market instability has been a topic of major
concern to agricultural economists and policy professionals. This volume provides an …

Price volatility, market regulation and risk management: challenges for the future of the CAP

V Chatellier - 2011 -
This article provides an analysis of the European Commission's proposals (18 Novembre
2010) regarding the next CAP reform. It proposes a reflection centered on the volatility of …

Assessment of national policies in develo** countries to combat and mitigate the effects of agricultural markets' excessive price volatility

M Demeke, J Balié - Agricultural Markets Instability, 2016 -
Market risks in agriculture are related to volatility of input and output prices, availability of
inputs or credit, availability of markets for farm products, and variations in income derived …

Border collision bifurcations in boom and bust cycles

I Kubin, L Gardini - Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2013 - Springer
Boom and bust cycles are widely documented in the literature on industry dynamics.
Rigidities and delays in capacity adjustment in combination with bounded rational behavior …

[PDF][PDF] Using food reserves to enhance food and nutrition security in develo** countries

F Galtier, B Daviron, H Leturque, P Dorosh, W Belik… - 2018 -
ASiST is an advisory service of the European Commission (EC) managed by the unit in
charge of rural development, food security and nutrition (C1) within the Directorate General …

The Role of Storage and Information in Stabilizing Food Prices and Supplies

JH Brockhaus - 2016 -
High and volatile food prices can push people into poverty, impact production and
consumption, discourage investments, and lead to social unrest. Thus, due to occasional …


J Brockhaus, M Kalkuhl - Neuere Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts … -
High and volatile food prices can have serious consequences, particularly for the poor who
spend a large share of their income on food. Trade or storage can help to stabilize volatile …