The jamming transition and the marginally jammed solid
AJ Liu, SR Nagel - Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys., 2010 -
When a system jams, it undergoes a transition from a flowing to a rigid state. Despite this
important change in the dynamics, the internal structure of the system remains disordered in …
important change in the dynamics, the internal structure of the system remains disordered in …
Jamming of soft particles: geometry, mechanics, scaling and isostaticity
M van Hecke - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009 -
Amorphous materials as diverse as foams, emulsions, colloidal suspensions and granular
media can jam into a rigid, disordered state where they withstand finite shear stresses …
media can jam into a rigid, disordered state where they withstand finite shear stresses …
[КНИГА][B] Granular media: between fluid and solid
Sand, rice, sugar, snow, cement... Although ubiquitous in our daily lives, granular media still
challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the …
challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the …
Amorphous systems in athermal, quasistatic shear
We present results on a series of two-dimensional atomistic computer simulations of
amorphous systems subjected to simple shear in the athermal, quasistatic limit. The …
amorphous systems subjected to simple shear in the athermal, quasistatic limit. The …
Network analysis of particles and grains
The arrangements of particles and forces in granular materials have a complex organization
on multiple spatial scales that range from local structures to mesoscale and system-wide …
on multiple spatial scales that range from local structures to mesoscale and system-wide …
Internal states of model isotropic granular packings. I. Assembling process, geometry, and contact networks
I Agnolin, JN Roux - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2007 - APS
This is the first paper of a series of three, in which we report on numerical simulation studies
of geometric and mechanical properties of static assemblies of spherical beads under an …
of geometric and mechanical properties of static assemblies of spherical beads under an …
Sources and characteristics of acoustic emissions from mechanically stressed geologic granular media—A review
The formation of cracks and emergence of shearing planes and other modes of rapid
macroscopic failure in geologic granular media involve numerous grain scale mechanical …
macroscopic failure in geologic granular media involve numerous grain scale mechanical …
Frictionless bead packs have macroscopic friction, but no dilatancy
The statement of the title is shown by numerical simulation of homogeneously sheared
assemblies of frictionless, nearly rigid beads in the quasistatic limit. Results coincide for …
assemblies of frictionless, nearly rigid beads in the quasistatic limit. Results coincide for …
Critical scaling in linear response of frictionless granular packings near jamming
We study the origin of the scaling behavior in frictionless granular media above the jamming
transition by analyzing their linear response. The response to local forcing is non-self …
transition by analyzing their linear response. The response to local forcing is non-self …
Sum rules for the quasi-static and visco-elastic response of disordered solids at zero temperature
We study exact results concerning the non-affine displacement fields observed by Tanguy et
al.[Europhys. Lett. 57, 423 (2002), Phys. Rev. B 66, 174205 (2002)] and their contributions to …
al.[Europhys. Lett. 57, 423 (2002), Phys. Rev. B 66, 174205 (2002)] and their contributions to …