[HTML][HTML] Martensite size and morphology influence on strain distribution and micro-damage evolution in dual-phase steels; comparing segregation-neutralised and …
A change in strain partitioning and microscale failure mechanisms in dual-phase (DP) steel
was found when both the morphology and distribution of martensite were altered compared …
was found when both the morphology and distribution of martensite were altered compared …
[HTML][HTML] Use of miniaturized tensile specimens to evaluate the ductility and formability of dual phased steels for Rapid Alloy Prototy**
This work aims to investigate feasibility of using non-standard miniaturized tensile
specimens (MTS) to characterize total elongation and formability behaviour of dual phase …
specimens (MTS) to characterize total elongation and formability behaviour of dual phase …
Segregation neutralised steels: microstructural banding elimination from dual-phase steel through alloy design accounting for inherent segregation
Banding in commercial dual-phase steels, such as banded ferrite and pearlite or ferrite and
martensite microstructures, is inherited from segregation during solidification in continuously …
martensite microstructures, is inherited from segregation during solidification in continuously …
A scale-up study on chemical segregation and the effects on tensile properties in two medium Mn steel castings
Two ingots weighing 400 g and 5 kg with nominal compositions of Fe–8Mn–4Al–2Si–0.5 C–
0.07 V–0.05 Sn were produced to investigate the effect of processing variables on …
0.07 V–0.05 Sn were produced to investigate the effect of processing variables on …
Development of desirable fine ferrite grain size and random second phase dual-phase steel microstructures using composition and/or processing modifications
Microstructural morphology is known to have a significant impact on the mechanical
properties of dual-phase steels. A fine ferrite grain size and random distribution of small …
properties of dual-phase steels. A fine ferrite grain size and random distribution of small …
Development of a High Ductility DP Steel Using a Segregation Neutralization Approach: Benchmarked Against a Commercial Dual Phase Steel
Commercial dual-phase steels are typically synonymous with a banded distribution of
martensite in their microstructures, which can degrade ductility and increase the anisotropy …
martensite in their microstructures, which can degrade ductility and increase the anisotropy …
Investigating the sensitivity of dual-phase steel microstructure to continuous annealing line parameters
The mechanical properties of dual-phase (DP) steels are influenced by ferrite grain size,
martensite distribution/morphology, and strength differences between ferrite/martensite …
martensite distribution/morphology, and strength differences between ferrite/martensite …
[PDF][PDF] The influence of cooling rate during solidification on segregation behaviour in low alloy steels
Using a COMSOL Multiphysics model the cooling rates through solidification were
determined for a wedge mould (figure 1) that had been designed to provide cooling rates …
determined for a wedge mould (figure 1) that had been designed to provide cooling rates …