New trends in stochastic geometry for wireless networks: A tutorial and survey
Next-generation wireless networks are expected to be highly heterogeneous, multilayered,
with embedded intelligence at both the core and edge of the network. In such a context …
with embedded intelligence at both the core and edge of the network. In such a context …
Physical layer covert communication in B5G wireless networks—its research, applications, and challenges
Physical layer covert communication is a crucial secure communication technology that
enables a transmitter to convey information covertly to a recipient without being detected by …
enables a transmitter to convey information covertly to a recipient without being detected by …
Deep reinforcement learning-based intelligent reflecting surface for secure wireless communications
Physical layer authentication and security design in the machine learning era
Security at the physical layer (PHY) is a salient research topic in wireless systems, and
machine learning (ML) is emerging as a powerful tool for providing new data-driven security …
machine learning (ML) is emerging as a powerful tool for providing new data-driven security …
DT-assisted multi-point symbiotic security in space-air-ground integrated networks
In this paper, we investigate the secure transmission of multi-resource heterogeneous radio
access networks (RANs) in space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) from the …
access networks (RANs) in space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN) from the …
Physical layer security using beamforming techniques for 5G and beyond networks: A systematic review
It has been predicted that by the year 2030, 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) networks are
expected to provide hundreds of trillions of gigabytes of data for various emerging …
expected to provide hundreds of trillions of gigabytes of data for various emerging …
Enhancing physical layer security in LEO satellite-enabled IoT network communications
The extensive deployment of low earth orbit (LEO) satellites introduces significant security
challenges for communication security issues in Internet of Things (IoT) networks. With the …
challenges for communication security issues in Internet of Things (IoT) networks. With the …