Research on mechanics properties of crop stalks: A review
D Dongdong - International Journal of Agricultural and Biological …, 2016 - ijabe.org
As one of the foundational research areas in agricultural engineering, the study of
agricultural materials includes an important branch: mechanics properties of crop stalks …
agricultural materials includes an important branch: mechanics properties of crop stalks …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling and experimental analysis of shear-slitting of AA6111-T4 aluminum alloy sheet
This work presents experimental studies with numerical modeling, aiming at the
development of guidelines for sha** aluminum alloy AA6111-T4, t= 1.5 mm thick, with the …
development of guidelines for sha** aluminum alloy AA6111-T4, t= 1.5 mm thick, with the …
Modeling of cutting process by theshear-finger cutting block
M Zastempowski, A Bochat - Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2014 - elibrary.asabe.org
In this study, a new mathematical model was presented to model the process of plant
material cutting using a shear-finger cutting unit. This model involves a new approach to …
material cutting using a shear-finger cutting unit. This model involves a new approach to …
Incremental modelling and numerical solution of the contact problem between movable elastic and elastic/visco-plastic bodies and application in the technological …
Paper presents the modelling of the contact problem in the technological processes.
Technological processes were considered as a geometrical and physical boundary and …
Technological processes were considered as a geometrical and physical boundary and …
Experimental and numerical studies of tool wear processes in the nibbling process
The work concerns an analysis of the wear mechanisms of punches in the nibbling process.
The nibbling process is the multiple punching of holes or external contours using circular …
The nibbling process is the multiple punching of holes or external contours using circular …
Characterization of porous coatings obtained on materials by plasma electrolytic oxidation
K Rokosz, T Hryniewicz, W Malorny - Materials Science Forum, 2016 - Trans Tech Publ
The main goal of present paper is to obtain porous coatings enriched in copper by Plasma
Electrolytic Oxidation on titanium and niobium as well as on NiTi and Ti6Al4V alloys …
Electrolytic Oxidation on titanium and niobium as well as on NiTi and Ti6Al4V alloys …
Zastosowanie obróbki nagniataniem w tworzeniu ekologicznego produktu
Działalność przemysłowa stwarza poważne problemy ekologiczne. Lista ta obejmuje, m. in.:
globalne ocieplenie, zubożenie warstwy ozonowej, utratę różnorodności biologicznej …
globalne ocieplenie, zubożenie warstwy ozonowej, utratę różnorodności biologicznej …
[PDF][PDF] XPS Analysis of nanolayers obtained on AISI 316L SS after Magnetoelectropolishing
K Rokosz, T Hryniewicz - World Scientific News, 2016 - worldscientificnews.com
In the present paper, the passive layers' chemical compositions of AISI 316L austenitic
stainless steel samples after three treatments, such as mechanical/abrasive polishing (MP) …
stainless steel samples after three treatments, such as mechanical/abrasive polishing (MP) …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling and analysis of the technological processes using finite element method
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę modelowania i analizy numerycznej procesów
technologicznych obróbki metali. Proces te rozpatrzono jako geometrycznie, fizycznie i …
technologicznych obróbki metali. Proces te rozpatrzono jako geometrycznie, fizycznie i …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical Modelling and Simulation of The Shear-Slitting Process of Electrical Steels
Despite the development of laser processing, the mechanical cutting process is still widely
used in the formation of electric steels that are very sensitive to thermal phenomena …
used in the formation of electric steels that are very sensitive to thermal phenomena …