[HTML][HTML] Transdiagnostic computations of uncertainty: towards a new lens on intolerance of uncertainty
People radically differ in how they cope with uncertainty. Clinical researchers describe a
dispositional characteristic known as “intolerance of uncertainty”, a tendency to find …
dispositional characteristic known as “intolerance of uncertainty”, a tendency to find …
How childhood maltreatment alters perception and cognition–the predictive processing account of borderline personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe mental disorder, comprised of
heterogeneous psychological and neurobiological pathologies. Here, we propose a …
heterogeneous psychological and neurobiological pathologies. Here, we propose a …
Computational models of subjective feelings in psychiatry
Research in computational psychiatry is dominated by models of behavior. Subjective
experience during behavioral tasks is not well understood, even though it should be relevant …
experience during behavioral tasks is not well understood, even though it should be relevant …
Neural responses to social rejection reflect dissociable learning about relational value and reward
Social rejection hurts, but it can also be informative: Through experiences of acceptance and
rejection, people identify partners interested in connecting with them and choose which ties …
rejection, people identify partners interested in connecting with them and choose which ties …
Positivity in peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change.
People have characteristic ways of perceiving others' personalities. When judging others on
several traits, some perceivers tend to form globally positive and others tend to form globally …
several traits, some perceivers tend to form globally positive and others tend to form globally …
Invasive computational psychiatry
Computational psychiatry, a relatively new yet prolific field that aims to understand
psychiatric disorders with formal theories about the brain, has seen tremendous growth in …
psychiatric disorders with formal theories about the brain, has seen tremendous growth in …
A social inference model of idealization and devaluation.
People often form polarized beliefs, imbuing objects (eg, themselves or others) with
unambiguously positive or negative qualities. In clinical settings, this is referred to as …
unambiguously positive or negative qualities. In clinical settings, this is referred to as …
The relational logic of moral inference
How do we make inferences about the moral character of others? Here we review recent
work on the cognitive mechanisms of moral inference and impression updating. We show …
work on the cognitive mechanisms of moral inference and impression updating. We show …
Model-Based approaches to investigating mismatch responses in schizophrenia
Alterations of mismatch responses (ie, neural activity evoked by unexpected stimuli) are
often considered a potential biomarker of schizophrenia. Going beyond establishing the type …
often considered a potential biomarker of schizophrenia. Going beyond establishing the type …
Borderline personality disorder features are associated with inflexible social interpretations
Background Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is thought to involve aberrant social
learning, including impaired revision of social interpretations with new evidence (social …
learning, including impaired revision of social interpretations with new evidence (social …