The EEG in metabolic encephalopathy and coma

PW Kaplan - Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 2004 -
Excellent early work on stupor and coma can be found (particularly with regard to anoxia) in
the work of Fischgold and Mathis (1959) in France, and Pamela Prior in England (1973a) …

Electroencephalography and delirium in the postoperative period

BJA Palanca, TS Wildes, YS Ju, S Ching… - BJA: British Journal of …, 2017 -
Delirium commonly manifests in the postoperative period as a clinical syndrome resulting
from acute brain dysfunction or encephalopathy. Delirium is characterized by acute and …

The interpretation of the EEG in stupor and coma

RP Brenner - The neurologist, 2005 -
This review discusses a variety of causes of stupor and coma and associated
electroencephalographic (EEG) findings. These include metabolic disturbances such as …

Clinical and imaging correlates of EEG patterns in hospitalized patients with encephalopathy

R Sutter, RD Stevens, PW Kaplan - Journal of neurology, 2013 - Springer
To identify the relationship between pathologic electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns,
clinical and neuroradiological abnormalities, and outcome in hospitalized patients with …

Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges: etiologies, relationship to status epilepticus, and prognosis

AM Husain, KA Mebust, RA Radtke - Journal of clinical …, 1999 -
Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPEDs) are generalized, synchronous
electrographic discharges. This study investigates etiologies, relationship to status …

Electroencephalographic assessment of coma

AM Husain - Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 2006 -
Altered mental status ranging from confusion to deep unresponsiveness can be described
as coma. Electroencephalography is an important tool in assessing comatose patients …

Electroencephalography of encephalopathy in patients with endocrine and metabolic disorders

R Faigle, R Sutter, PW Kaplan - Journal of Clinical …, 2013 -
Patients with acute alteration in mental status from encephalopathy because of underlying
metabolic–toxic or endocrine abnormalities are frequently seen in the acute hospital setting …

Electroencephalography: general principles and clinical applications

MJ Aminoff - Aminoff's electrodiagnosis in clinical neurology, 2012 -
The electroencephalogram (EEG) represents the electrical activity of the brain as recorded
from electrodes placed on the scalp. Many clinical neurologists and neu-rosurgeons do not …

Affair with triphasic waves—their striking presence, mysterious significance, and cryptic origins: what are they?

PW Kaplan, R Sutter - Journal of clinical neurophysiology, 2015 -
Triphasic waves, which have been recorded in the EEG of encephalopathy for more than 50
years, remain clearly identifiable but historically purportedly of uncertain significance …

Significance of triphasic waves in patients with acute encephalopathy: a nine-year cohort study

R Sutter, RD Stevens, PW Kaplan - Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013 - Elsevier
Abstract Objective Triphasic waves (TWs) are a frequent electroencephalography (EEG)
finding in encephalopathy, yet their origin and prognostic significance are not well …