Unconventional magnetism mediated by spin-phonon-photon coupling
Magnetic order typically emerges due to the short-range exchange interaction between the
constituent electronic spins. Recent discoveries have found a crucial role for spin-phonon …
constituent electronic spins. Recent discoveries have found a crucial role for spin-phonon …
Generation of magnonic frequency combs via a two-tone microwave drive
ZX Liu, J Peng, H **ong - Physical Review A, 2023 - APS
Magnonic frequency combs, a direct analog of optical frequency combs in the field of spin
waves, have recently received considerable attentions due to their potential applications in …
waves, have recently received considerable attentions due to their potential applications in …
Design of new-concept magnetomechanical devices by phase-field simulations
The phase-field method enables simulating the spatiotemporal evolution of the coupled
physical-order parameters under externally applied fields in a wide range of materials and …
physical-order parameters under externally applied fields in a wide range of materials and …
Microwave frequency combs through the rotational enhanced magnetostrictive effect
Q Wu, HJ Sun, YD Chen, ZX Liu - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
Microwave frequency combs have attracted particular attention due to their great application
prospects in microwave communication and measurement. In recent years, the scheme of …
prospects in microwave communication and measurement. In recent years, the scheme of …
Dynamical backaction evading magnomechanics
The interaction between magnons and mechanical vibrations dynamically modifies the
properties of the mechanical oscillator, such as its frequency and decay rate. Known as …
properties of the mechanical oscillator, such as its frequency and decay rate. Known as …
Cavity magnomechanical chaos
J Peng, ZX Liu, YF Yu, H **ong - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
Cavity magnomechanics using mechanical degrees of freedom in ferromagnetic crystals
provides a powerful platform for observing many interesting classical and quantum …
provides a powerful platform for observing many interesting classical and quantum …
Kerr nonlinearity induced strong spin-magnon coupling
One pillar of quantum magnonics is the exploration of the utilization of the mediation role of
magnons in different platforms to develop quantum technologies. The efficient coupling …
magnons in different platforms to develop quantum technologies. The efficient coupling …
Nonreciprocal microwave field transmission in a quantum magnomechanical system controlled by magnetostriction and Kerr nonlinearities
We theoretically demonstrate nonreciprocity in signal transmission within a three-mode
system by exploiting the nonlinear magnetostrictive interaction within a ferrimagnetic …
system by exploiting the nonlinear magnetostrictive interaction within a ferrimagnetic …
Tunable magnomechanically induced transparency and slow–fast light propagation in a hybrid cavity magnomechanical system
Q Liao, S Deng, M Song, P Cao, J **ong - Quantum Information …, 2024 - Springer
We theoretically investigate the tunability of magnomechanically induced transparency
(MMIT) phenomenon and slow–fast light propagation in a hybrid cavity magnomechanical …
(MMIT) phenomenon and slow–fast light propagation in a hybrid cavity magnomechanical …
Design of controllable magnon frequency comb in synthetic ferrimagnets
The magnon frequency comb provides opportunities for exploring magnon nonlinear effects
and measuring the transmission magnon frequency in magnets, whose controllability …
and measuring the transmission magnon frequency in magnets, whose controllability …