Defects in complex oxide thin films for electronics and energy applications: challenges and opportunities
Complex transition-metal oxides (TMOs) are critical materials for cutting-edge electronics
and energy-related technologies, on the basis of their intriguing properties including …
and energy-related technologies, on the basis of their intriguing properties including …
Electronic and transport properties of Li-doped NiO epitaxial thin films
NiO is a p-type wide bandgap semiconductor of use in various electronic devices ranging
from solar cells to transparent transistors. Understanding and improving its optical and …
from solar cells to transparent transistors. Understanding and improving its optical and …
Oxygen electrocatalysis on (001)-oriented manganese perovskite films: Mn valency and charge transfer at the nanoscale
We report that the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activities of (001)-oriented manganese
perovskite films decrease from 10 to 1 nm by more than an order of magnitude, which can be …
perovskite films decrease from 10 to 1 nm by more than an order of magnitude, which can be …
(La1− xSrx) 0.98 MnO3 perovskite with A-site deficiencies toward oxygen reduction reaction in aluminum-air batteries
Y Xue, H Miao, S Sun, Q Wang, S Li, Z Liu - Journal of Power Sources, 2017 - Elsevier
The strontium doped Mn-based perovskites have been proposed as one of the best oxygen
reduction reaction catalysts (ORRCs) to substitute the noble metal. However, few studies …
reduction reaction catalysts (ORRCs) to substitute the noble metal. However, few studies …
Electronic structure and -type conduction mechanism of spinel cobaltite oxide thin films
XC Huang, JY Zhang, M Wu, S Zhang, HY **ao… - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
This work reports a fundamental study on the electronic structure, optical properties, and
defect chemistry of a series of Co-based spinel oxide (Co 3 O 4, ZnCo 2 O 4, and CoAl 2 O …
defect chemistry of a series of Co-based spinel oxide (Co 3 O 4, ZnCo 2 O 4, and CoAl 2 O …
Resistive switching in all‐oxide ferroelectric tunnel junctions with ionic interfaces
QH Qin, L Äkäslompolo, N Tuomisto, L Yao… - Advanced …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
DOI: 10.1002/adma. 201504519 nanosecond switching times have been obtained for a
variety of nanoionic memory cells.[19–23] This so-called voltage–time dilemma has been …
variety of nanoionic memory cells.[19–23] This so-called voltage–time dilemma has been …
Optimized fabrication of high-quality La0. 67Sr0. 33MnO3 thin films considering all essential characteristics
In this paper, an overview of the fabrication and properties of high-quality La 0.67 Sr 0.33
MnO 3 (LSMO) thin films is given. A high-quality LSMO film combines a smooth surface …
MnO 3 (LSMO) thin films is given. A high-quality LSMO film combines a smooth surface …
Hole-induced insulator-to-metal transition in epitaxial films
We have investigated the evolution of the electronic properties of L a 1− x S rx Cr O 3 (0≤
x≤ 1) epitaxial films deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using x-ray diffraction, x …
x≤ 1) epitaxial films deposited by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using x-ray diffraction, x …
The Origin of Oxygen Vacancies Controlling La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Electronic and Magnetic Properties
Mixed‐valence manganites gain increasing attentions thanks to their extraordinary
properties including half‐metallicity and colossal magnetoresistive response, rendering …
properties including half‐metallicity and colossal magnetoresistive response, rendering …
Hole-induced electronic and optical transitions in epitaxial thin films
We have investigated the electronic and optical properties of epitaxial L a 1-x S rx Fe O 3 for
0≤ x≤ 1 prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy. Core-level and valence-band x-ray …
0≤ x≤ 1 prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy. Core-level and valence-band x-ray …