Network perspective in megaproject management: A systematic review
Q Shi, X Chen, C **_a_Framework_for_Dynamic_Organizational_Resilience_Analysis_in_Prefabricated_Construction_Projects_A_Project_Life_Cycle_Perspective/links/62f0339388b83e7320b77ce4/Develo**-a-Framework-for-Dynamic-Organizational-Resilience-Analysis-in-Prefabricated-Construction-Projects-A-Project-Life-Cycle-Perspective.pdf" data-clk="hl=ro&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=2&d=7267669780434309524&ei=HQTGZ4y4MueuieoP0ZismQs" data-clk-atid="lNGg1yjz22QJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Develo** a framework for dynamic organizational resilience analysis in prefabricated construction projects: A project life cycle perspective
Prefabricated construction has recently played an increasingly significant role in social,
environmental, and economic developments in the construction sector. Because …
environmental, and economic developments in the construction sector. Because …
[HTML][HTML] Organisation design in megaprojects: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Megaprojects have a complex and evolving web of organisations arranged in a multilevel
and multiphase structure, with intra-and inter-organisational boundaries evolving during the …
and multiphase structure, with intra-and inter-organisational boundaries evolving during the …
[HTML][HTML] Critical factors influencing interface management of prefabricated building projects: Evidence from China
S Zhang, Z Li, S Ma, L Li, M Yuan - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Recently, interface management has been regarded as the key to the success of
prefabricated building projects (PBPs) due to its capabilities to manage numerous interfaces …
prefabricated building projects (PBPs) due to its capabilities to manage numerous interfaces …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the impact mechanism of interface management performance of sustainable prefabricated construction: The perspective of stakeholder engagement
H Luan, L Li, S Zhang - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Prefabricated construction (PC) activities are geographically fragmented, temporally
disrupted, resulting in numerous and complex interfaces. It is stakeholder collaboration by …
disrupted, resulting in numerous and complex interfaces. It is stakeholder collaboration by …
A framework for assessing stakeholder interface health in complex capital projects
Q Ju, Y Wang, H Liu, X Du, Y Li - Engineering, Construction and …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Stakeholders in complex capital projects are characterized by complicated
interactions, adversarial short-term relationships and cooperative demand for deliverables …
interactions, adversarial short-term relationships and cooperative demand for deliverables …
Managing project-to-project interfaces for large-scale programmes: A network study in World expo 2020
Effective interface management plays a critical role in project-to-project coordination for
large-scale programme success. Given the substantial number and complexity of interfaces …
large-scale programme success. Given the substantial number and complexity of interfaces …
Formation of inter-project ties from the sender–recipient perspective: Roles of task interdependence and functional interdependence
Linkages between project teams are critical to project and programme performance. Taking
a sender–recipient perspective, we examined the effects of task and functional …
a sender–recipient perspective, we examined the effects of task and functional …
A systematic approach to identify and manage interface risks between project stakeholders in construction projects
Interface risks are inherent in every construction project from start to finish. Identifying and
managing these risks effectively in every project phase is crucial for actualising project …
managing these risks effectively in every project phase is crucial for actualising project …