A generalized framework of two-way coupled numerical model for fluid-structure-seabed interaction (FSSI): Explicit algorithm

J Ye, H Zhou, K He - Engineering Geology, 2024 - Elsevier
In a complex marine dynamics environment, the consideration of fluid-structure-seabed
interaction (FSSI) plays a vital role in reliably analyzing the dynamic response of marine …

Investigation of nonlinear wave-induced seabed response around mono-pile foundation

Z Lin, D Pokrajac, Y Guo, D Jeng, T Tang, N Rey… - Coastal …, 2017 - Elsevier
Stability and safety of offshore wind turbines with mono-pile foundations, affected by
nonlinear wave effect and dynamic seabed response, are the primary concerns in offshore …

[HTML][HTML] Numerical simulation of the wave-induced dynamic response of poro-elastoplastic seabed foundations and a composite breakwater

J Ye, D Jeng, R Wang, C Zhu - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015 - Elsevier
In this study, an integrated numerical model FSSI-CAS 2D (previously known as POROWSSI
2D) is developed for the problem of wave-elasto-plastic seabed-structure interactions, where …

Dynamics of a pipeline buried in loosely deposited seabed to nonlinear wave & current

J Ye, K He - Ocean Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Submarine pipeline is a type of important infrastructure in petroleum industry, used for
transporting crude oil or natural gas. Understanding of the dynamics characteristics under …

Numerical study of wave-induced soil response in a slo** seabed in the vicinity of a breakwater

HY Zhao, DS Jeng - Applied Ocean Research, 2015 - Elsevier
In this study, a mathematical integrated model is developed to investigate the wave-induced
slo** seabed response in the vicinity of breakwater. In the present model, the wave model …

Seismic dynamics of a pipeline shallowly buried in loosely deposited seabed foundation

J Ye, Q Lu - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
It is widely known that submarine pipelines constructed in high seismic intensity zones are
vulnerable due to soil liquefaction under the attack of seismic waves. It is meaningful for …

Experimental study on wave-induced seabed response and force on the pipeline shallowly buried in a submerged sandy slope

H Yang, Z Guo, L Wang, Y Dou, Z Liu - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Waves on the submerged slo** seabed tend to transform and even break, inducing
seabed response and exerting force on the shallowly-buried pipeline. In this study, a series …

Physical modeling of the dynamics of a revetment breakwater built on reclaimed coral calcareous sand foundation in the South China Sea—tsunami wave

K He, J Ye - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021 - Springer
In this study, taking the reclamation engineering in the South China Sea as the background,
several wave flume experiments (geometrical similarity scale is set as 1: 10) are performed …

An integrated numerical model for the stability of artificial submarine slope under wave load

W Chen, C Liu, Y Li, G Chen, D Jeng, C Liao, J Yu - Coastal Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
The stability evaluation of artificial submarine slope under wave load is a primary concern in
the construction of offshore structures such as submarine pipelines and immersed tunnels …

Experimental investigations on the stability of clayey slo** seabed under wave actions

Y Dou, Z Guo, Y Gao, L Wang, H Yang, Z Liu - Ocean Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
A series of wave flume tests have been performed in this paper to investigate the responses
of clayey slo** seabed under wave actions, including the characteristics of wave shoaling …