A moment in and out of time: precarity, liminality, and autonomy in crisis teaching

H Glover, F Myers, H Collins - Teaching in Higher Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper explores tensions and ambiguities for UK HE teachers during COVID-19. It
analyses changed behaviours and routines for existing hybrid workers experienced in …

Beyond A 'Noticing Stance': Reflecting to Expand Postdigital Positionalities

N Pallitt, N Kramm - Constructing postdigital research: Method and …, 2023 - Springer
This chapter offers an overview of dominant educational technology research paradigms,
how they conceptualise the relationship between humans and technology and situate the …

Ghosts of data futures past: revolution as repetition in datafied education research and governance

A Saari - Critical Studies in Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Datafication discourses in education regularly present themselves as radical game
changers in education governance and research arenas, transforming future forms of …

Traversing changing higher education learning spaces: what we bring and what is missing

C Vallis, A Casey, J Nash, R Menner… - Higher Education …, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
This research offers a novel hauntological perspective to examine the evolving nature of
complex learning spaces in higher education. In times of change and disruption, we draw on …

Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists Journal/Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists/Vol. 23 …

H AJOL - 2023 - ajol.info
The emergence of the social media has indubitably altered the Nigerian theatre space. The
social media stage has created a niche for individuals to somewhat independently practise …


OS Omoera - 2023 - ajol.info
In a networked society where the internet is an enabler, the theatre also takes in certain
changes and continues to reshape itself in line with the dominant idea of the time. This …

Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists Journal/Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists/Vol. 23 …

H AJOL - 2023 - ajol.info
Scholarly interrogations of African dress culture and body designs have mostly engaged non-
African experiences and theories in interrogating indigenous practices. This has placed a …

Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists Journal/Nigeria Theatre Journal: A Journal of the Society of Nigeria Theatre Artists/Vol. 23 …

H AJOL - 2023 - ajol.info
The emergence of the social media has indubitably altered the Nigerian theatre space. The
social media stage has created a niche for individuals to somewhat independently practise …