Personal data stores (PDS): a review
KU Fallatah, M Barhamgi, C Perera - Sensors, 2023 -
Internet services have collected our personal data since their inception. In the beginning, the
personal data collection was uncoordinated and was limited to a few selected data types …
personal data collection was uncoordinated and was limited to a few selected data types …
Making data tangible: A cross-disciplinary design space for data physicalization
Designing a data physicalization requires a myriad of different considerations. Despite the
cross-disciplinary nature of these considerations, research currently lacks a synthesis across …
cross-disciplinary nature of these considerations, research currently lacks a synthesis across …
Diffraction-in-action: designerly explorations of agential realism through lived data
Recent design research has shown an interest in diffraction and agential realism, which
promise to offer generative alternatives when designing with data that resist treating data as …
promise to offer generative alternatives when designing with data that resist treating data as …
Know thyself: a theory of the self for personal informatics
Although Personal Informatics stresses the importance of “self”-awareness and “self”-
knowledge in collecting personal data, a description of the “self,” to which all these …
knowledge in collecting personal data, a description of the “self,” to which all these …
Capra: Making use of multiple perspectives for capturing, noticing and revisiting hiking experiences over time
As the practice of hiking becomes increasingly captured through personal data, it is timely to
consider what kinds of alternative data encounters might support forms of noticing and …
consider what kinds of alternative data encounters might support forms of noticing and …
On the design of OLO Radio: Investigating metadata as a design material
W Odom, T Duel - Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human …, 2018 -
With the massive adoption of music streaming services globally, metadata is being
generated that captures people's music listening histories in more precise detail than ever …
generated that captures people's music listening histories in more precise detail than ever …
“I think it saved me. I think it saved my heart”: The Complex Journey from Self-Tracking with Wearables to Diagnosis
Despite their nonclinical origins, wearables are emerging as valuable tools in supporting the
diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, one of the leading causes of death worldwide …
diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, one of the leading causes of death worldwide …
Exploring approaches to data literacy through a critical race theory perspective
B Johnson, B Rydal Shapiro, B DiSalvo… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
In this paper, we describe and analyze a workshop developed for a work training program
called DataWorks. In this workshop, data workers chose a topic of their interest, sourced and …
called DataWorks. In this workshop, data workers chose a topic of their interest, sourced and …
Putting phenomenological theories to work in the design of self-tracking technologies
S Homewood, A Vallgårda - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing …, 2020 -
Existing self-tracking devices have been criticized for perpetuating a dualist, rather than
phenomenological, understanding of the self as a separated mind and body. In this paper …
phenomenological, understanding of the self as a separated mind and body. In this paper …
Lived data: tinkering with bodies, code, and care work
Human–computer interaction research on personal informatics in health care has focused
on systems that aim to support patient empowerment and enable better health outcomes …
on systems that aim to support patient empowerment and enable better health outcomes …